Importante: This post was originall supposed to go up a couple days ago...but life got in the way
As I've posted before I haven't had much time to play WOW 2.x or 3.x as of late since SAT season is in full swing. I have to prioritze after all and as it stands with the launch on 11/13 and only so many free hours actually avalible to play WOW, I'm putting my focus on getting my wintersaber mount. If my calculations are correct. I have to run the 3 quests 24 more times to get the mount. I think even with my limited time I should have this done before launch. After this is complete I'm going to farm rep with the Timbermaw Hold to get the Diplomat title for WOTLK.
I did though take some time to do the brewfest events for this year, and I like many other people are infuriated by blizzards change with the Brewfest mounts. Last year I didn't have enough tickets to purchase one so I consolled myself with the fact that I'd have enough for 2008. Of course I didn't think they make the ram a drop from Colin Direbrew in BRD. I did the BRD slog twice and said fuck it, it's not worth my time for the mount. Kodo or no Kodo.
on a second note. I'd like to make a comment about the nerfing that's going on in WOTLK. From what I can tell blizzard is taking the next logical step with bringing MMO's to the masses with their release of WOTLK. For those of you who don't already know a lot of the mechanics of the game have been modified to make them more casual freindly. For example, Elixirs and Flasks are now 2hrs and 4hrs respectivly. Aura's and Buffs are now Raid wide etc. While I like it on principal at the same time I think it loses some of the mentality of setting up a raid and balancing the groups.
And to furthur complicate matters, Blizzard is trending towards shorter instances. Again I see this as an attempt to reach out to a wider audience that frankly doesn't have the time to spend hours in instances. But this also may be an attempt to keep existing players happy. Since the release of burning crusade a signifigant number of players have developed one of more end game alts that are played as much if not more than their main character. By shortening the time to complete an instance the player base can have all his characters on par.
To Sum up here is the time de sink
WOW Classic: 2-3 hours to complete an instance
The Burning Crusade: 45-90 minutes
Wrath of the Lich King: 30-45 minutes
I wouldn't mind this downward spiral except now the dungeons seem so Small...I mean you can make a dungeon seem big and impressive, and don't get me wrong blizzard has succedded in that but 4 rooms is still 4 rooms. & it kinda made me feel shortchanged with the experience.
And there is no reason to ever ever logout of wow
I have to concur with the gents over @ penny arcade. This is chicken cordon meth. Still I did load the addon to my interface and played it last night (and a lil bit this morning). I would say the most intresting moment was last night on my shaman\bank alt. I sat glazing over the many wife sitting next to me on her laptop..looks over...sees me bejewelling away..and replies
"You're such an don't even see that combo over there"
It's good to have a n00B moment every so ofter...