Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Duel! Obama V. McCain - Who Get's Pwned?

Absolutly Brilliant

And I'm voting for Obama
I should start a guild
Druids for Obama

Monday, October 27, 2008

George Romero was right.

The Scourge is Upon us & the capital cites have become paved with skeletons of the Lich Kings victims.

My Shamen was zombified as soon as a I logged in to check on the ah (which you can still do as a flesh eating undead monstrosity) I got stomped by a city gaurd within 20 seconds.

Neren fared better but not by much. I ported from shat to sw. I got transformed within a couple seconds. Then went on a zombie killing spree turning most of the mage quarter into the hungry dead.

After I got downed by a hunter I rezzed and stayed non-dead. I went to EP picked up the event quests & headed back to SW. This wasn't a big mistake but it was I think intended by blizzard to happen. The information given to you makes it sound that the Scourge is attacking the capital cities. But they're actually setting up shop in out of the way zones (WS, BL, EP, etc.) But you need to see an Argent Dawn Quartermaster to find this out.

Still though onto my post's title. Stormwind was a zombie nightmare. Between the players, the NPC's & the Plauge Zombie's coming out of the stockades it was very Dawn of the Dead. A raid was formed to clear out SW. Starting with the Castle & moving down through each section. & like in DOTD we failed because it became every man for himself.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Freaky Friday

This friday was just an Odd day for me. I mean just really weird.
First off Patch 3.02 came out & they nerfed the rep
So I got my Diplomat title in approx a day & half of grinding
The screen shot is from completing the quest chain.
It ranks there on my top 5 experiences in WOW since I began playing it back in 2006.
Then Friday Night I was grinding rep for the Gaurdian of Cenarius Title
And I check my friends list, and see my old buddy zorch outside AQ20
I pst him to say Hi & next thing I know I'm in a AQ20 Raid with him & his guild.
This lead to us going to AQ40
and yes I saw C'thun. But we didn't down him
For whatever reason when we took on the twin emperors they got bugged as the raid healers began rezzing people.
But still...WOW
That's All I have to say

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Missing my wife..and WOW isn't my security blanket anymore.

Some months ago, I wrote in a post that while my wife traveled for her career I would play WOW non-stop. This last week she was in England (In fact this was her longest trip since we met), & I didn't use WOW as a security blanket to keep my mind off the fact that my love was far away. And I used to do it. I will say it again. I used wow as a security blanket.
This time though I didn't. And frankly I can't see my self ever using it again as one.
Somethings changed within me. A metamorphisis so to speak. I'm still trying to figure out what's changed.

Onto other notes.

I. I'm having my doubts about The Diplomat Title. I wanted it because I felt it fit me and who I try to be in life. But with my current work commitments I don't think I'll be able to do it. With the way the rep is setup, It'll take a very large amount of winterfall beads\feather etc to accomplish the rep. If anything I'll focus on dailies for the next couple of weeks. I suggest everyone also do the same. Cold Weather flying will cost money now.

II Lich King: I fished up one of the new pets in Dalaren. Very Cool. Also for anyone who's not in Beta. You'll be able to get a penguin too. You'll just need be exalted with one faction.

III. A Shout out to my friend Matt. For inviting me to my last ZA run before the Echoes of DOOM patch goes live. Although it didn't get off the ground due to people who signed up not being around It was very nice of him to invite me, since I haven't raided since at least May.

Until Later
The Musing Moonkin.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One Down, One to Go
As you can see at the very bottom of my rep page, I am now Exalted with Wintersaber Trainers. I got the mount last night around 11:02 pm EST.
I then did a victory lap around Shat, IF, & SW.
There were two funny moments.
1.) In IF I had about eight players surround me. I regret not taking a screen shot of that
2.) In SW a NE Holy Priest had recieved the transporter malfunction buff and came out as a Tauren Holy Priest. He then took a winterviel firewater effectivly making himself and his war talbuk 30% bigger.
We just stared at each other cheering and laughing away.
Now I'm onto the timbermaw hold. I'm at honored I figure it'll take all of oct to reach exalted.
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin