Monday, March 30, 2009

Finacial Idealism vs. Reality: WOW Style!

Greetings musers!

Today's topic is something near and dear to my heart the sordid topic of coin! Unless you're a new reader, you already know that I work two jobs to make my financial goals. desire, intent and dedication to succeed financially. Well my friends this desire, intent and dedication to succeed financially has finally crossed over into wow! I pulled in about 1k in auctions between Sunday morning and afternoon, and put more auctions up this morning as well. I know to some of you this is a non-news as you're already masters of high finance. But to me this is a big deal. In fact it's a HUGE deal.

You see in my ideal self I'm beyond money. I'm almost aesthetic about it I have enough, I'm not greedy I feel like I should rise above it. This view helps me keep WOW in perspective (as I've said to people who've I've given gold to "It's just digital imaginary numbers"

In the real world I was once the same way, but reality, hard cruel pwing reality taught me otherwise. Frankly, I was almost delusional. Part of this was my own self-deception, and part was due to my grooming. I was being skilled up that I would be a learned man, a man who's skills and knowledge would mean that I could afford to have others watch out for me. This belief was re-enforced by several factors. The primary one was my upbringing I had literally been raised by my family with no concept of finances beyond the abstract, and thinking back on the matter I even recall that when I was curious about daily money matters my family eschewed me for not focusing on my studies
So now we flash forward, I'm in my mid-late 20's and practicing Aikido on a daily basis, I share a apartment with a roommate & I've become fairly self-sufficient. Still though my family is telling me that while I was self-sufficient now, after I grew up a bit more I would have other take care of my finances for me. To add to this In my martial arts practice I saw what my family discussed actually being carried out. First in my readings on Aikido (O-Sensei's son handled the dojo day to day business,) and in my own dojo with my Sensei's wife handling money matters. After all they were above petty dirty common details like payment & left that to others (course now I don't think highly of this.) but back then it made perfect sense to me.
I think the high point of this way of approaching finances was in 2003 when I bought my car. I didn't negotiate for it, I didn't haggle for it, the whole transaction was handled by my family. I came in, shook the dealers hand, went into the finance office, signed on the line and drove off. Of course though I learned (as many creative people do) that if you have others handle your fiance's hijinks's will ensue. So I learned grew up moved on. etc. etc.
Except in World of Warcraft.
In WOW a war has raged about in-game finances between my ideal self and real self for a long long time. I really noticed though back when 2.4 launched. Like now I was teaching 15-20 hours a week, and because of the requirements to raid I only had time to do SSO dailies. After a couple of weeks of SSO dailies I found that I had a huge surplus if money (at the time over 5k.) I didn't know what to do with all this gold, so I blew a lot of it: 20 slot bags, recipes, pets etc. I then went horde for the summer & spent the fall farming a wintersaber mount & doing old school raids since I had already seen the WOTLK beta.
After lich king launched. I found a comfortable balance of gold (1800-2k) I didn't feel rich, but I didn't feel poor either. I was OK. I knew that unlike other players who focused on heroic runs & raids so much that that they were perpetually broke.
I was happy like this until yesterday, something changed I don't know what it was but something clicked that synced my real world views on finances with my digital views on them. I do know what the catalyst for it was though. Yesterday morning I had an early tutorial (9am) so I decided to farm wintergrasp for eternals.
As I was farming I found out from my guild that eternals were no longer were as valuable as they had been. This stunned me, because I had a stockpile of them in my bank in case I needed them to trade for goods or services. But instead of bemoaning how things change, I decided to sell all my eternals on the ah along with the other items of vaule that were just gathering digital dust. In the mix I checked flasks and saw that I could make a killing selling them. And for a moment I hesitated because part of me wanted to be above commerce, but I then reconciled my ideal with the real. Between tutorials I logged in checked the mailbox and found 1000 gold waiting for me.

So today's another day & now Fenris has a new elixir master selling his wares on the market.
Where I'll be tomorrow though is another matter

Until another day
The Musing Moonkin

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Reminder about successful raiding

Greetings Musers! I hope your weekend is fairing well whether in the real world or the realm of Azeroth!

Last night I was permitted a very rare and precious treat: Raiding on a Saturday night with the missus home (Thank you HBO for showing Sex and The City: The Movie!) My GM was also thrilled since I'm a dependable dps'er who can off-heal should the situation arise. In my joy of this celestial alignment, I setup the home office to be raiding central for the night and also setup the living room to be as cozy as possible for my love.
Now while she had a wonderful time enjoying the urban adventures of Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda, I was stuck in a wipe fest of epic scale in Naxxramas's Construct Quarter. After 2 hours of impotent attempts on Grobbulus our GM called the raid. (Ironically this occurred right when the movie was over, which is leading me to think that some collusion between the GM's wife & my wife may be taking place, but I digress.)
With any bad raid night there is usually a little fallout. Once it settled (a couple of protest gquits etc.) we voiced our thoughts etc. over vent. I gave my feedback on what I saw: raiders goofing off and not focusing on the task at hand.

This leads me to an issue that I'm seeing with WOW 3.x: The Raiding dial has been turned down to where it can actually hurt Guild Progression. While I applaud Blizzard's decision to allow everyone to raid, it has also matatisized piggybacking: Players who are carried by the raid group.
Let me be clear Piggybacking has existed since WOW was launched. But while in the 1.x & 2.x builds this was relegated to one player in the raid it's now spread to 3-6 players in the group. This stops raid progression dead in it's tracks since there are group cohesion fights such as Grobbulus that require everyone to be on their toes.
So as a reminder
To be a successful raider in WOW (in order of importance)
1.) Arrive on Time,
Commit to raids to you can attend & do not interfere with real life obligations or commitment.
- This means ready to go 15 min before the raid.
2.) Be Prepared
- Gear fully repaired & the correct gear\trinkets for the raid.
- All Potions, Flasks, bandages for yourself
- Talent's spec'd correctly (if you've been doing PVP make sure to switch back to Raiding Spec)
- Real Life, Bowels\Bladder voided, pets taken care off, chores taken care off, food\drink by pc ready to go. Nicotine ingested before raid.
- Read Strat watch video of fight before raid.
- Make sure headphones\mic working
- UI's set for raiding.
- Vent working
3.) Be Focused
- Game sound off or very low
- Background IRL sound low
4.) Have Fun
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Long Overdue update

Good Afternoon Musers!
Well I sit here at my office desk unable to do some of my tasks because a certain website I use to purchase equipment is down! So I figured it's time for a long overdue update
First off Congrats to my friend Sheilds (who's still in KoC) his wife had a lovely baby girl Monday! Mom & Baby are doing fine & Mom let Dad play a little bit whilst the baby did sleep. I've already told him that I'll gladly take his toon!
Secondly I didn't listen to my own advice & I did a full clear of Naxx 10 Man yesterday after noon from 12:30 - 4:15pm. I think it's my fate that I happened to luck out and come across these types of runs at the oddest moments. I pulled in my friend Sindel to be the off tank & he lucked out & got the Heroic Shoulder Token that he'd been looking for months. I scored the SoulBlade and my Tier 7 Helm + 15 BOH's so it wasn't a bad run IMHO.
Now the question is what to do next. I really don't have the time to raid seriously for at least two more months. But at the same time while I like the new alt I'm leveling he's not my idealized self I use him to work out focus and calmness in a raid environment.
Contemplate on this I must
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Twitter Blogging

Good Morning Loyal Followers!!!
Due to my work schedules, life commitments & desire to play WOW, I find myself lacking the time to make a coherent post. I know sounds odd, but I like to have clear concise posts that are significant and not just drivel. Seriously there's enough of these on the net & I don't want to add to them!
Luckily I've found out the joy's of twittering!!! So if you enjoy my blog posts, you can follow my tweets, these are more regular (several a day) and are still WOW based.
Until another day!
The Musing Moonkin

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thoughts on Successful Guilds

Good Day Musers.

I hope you're awaiting 3.1 as eagerly as I am. When I saw it download onto my laptop Sunday I was overjoyed at the promise of new content. However I don't think it's going live tomorrow. My gut says that it still needs more brew time on the PTR.

The following post come from my decesion yesterday to gquit Knights of Camelot & my choice to throw my hat in with the Knights of the Blade. Some of this post comes from a discussion I had with a Guild Leader from KoC yesterday afternoon offline.

If you've followed my blog you know that for a period of 2008 I ran Ronin; I had been involved in WOTLK beta & knew that the old ways of wow were going away. When WOTLK went live I stayed guildless for a while but came to a point where I needed a guild. I decided to join The Crystal Dawn based of my experiences with a couple of their members, but soon learned that casual attitude ran too deep for my liking.

I was then presented an opportunity to join my friend's guild, The Knight's of Camelot. The first couple weeks were great, but Feb to March I noticed a disturbing trend where there simply wasn't enough people to even do 10 man content online. This didn't bother me much because for the last couple of weeks I was simply too busy with real life quests to spend time on virual life quests.
Then this saturday I had an opening (my wife away on business), and an invitation for 25 man Naxx. I signed up, took care of my chores & was ready, only to find that people who signed up were no shows. Frustrated, I was going to run heroics or try 10 man naxx when a guild member with an even busier schedule than myself invited me into another guilds 25 man naxx run. I raidied Sat night until 1:15am EST and cleared two wings. I also recieved a guild invite which I didn't really take seriously ATM. Sunday morning though I woke up logged in while having coffee, and decided after being tempted by the guild membership to gquit & roll with KoB.
Anyway here's my thoughts on what makes a successful guild. I'm going to try to distill it.
A successful guild is run like a business that's owned by friends. That is everyone gets along, everyone is on good terms but everyone also knows what to do and how to behave. There are agreed goals and clear leadership.
That's it
Until another day
The musing moonkin

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Effects of Brain Mush

Good Morning Musers,
I hope the calm before 3.1 is not as boring as I've been told by my friends. Frankly I wouldn't know at the moment, for you see I haven't played WOW in almost a week! I actually tried logging in @ 7am this morning because I realized that I had an Oracle Egg that had hatched on Tuesday & I didn't check to see if it had yielded a pet, food or God-Willing a Drake. Ironically, I found the process of doing two daily quests so taxing on my brain that I said screw it & logged off. The only guildie online when I was didn't mind as he was still recovering from boozing & bowling on last night.
The irony of my mental state is that WOW helped produce it. That is I took practices for maximizing efficiency in play & applied them to real life 'quests'. I plotted out paths to see the quickest route for students, used mana\health conservation formula's to enable me to keep going for 12-14 hours straight etc. The only downside that I can see is that it created three distinct mental states
1.) On: Mental Faculties running 100%
2.) Off: Mental Faculties off, brain in a soak or sleep mode. Reading INOP, WOW INOP, TV as acceptable entertainment.
3.) Halfway: Mental Faculties running but not at peak efficiency. Judging from my own observations this state exists from 1 to 2 hours a day. Personal Tasks are accomplished in this mode (if not at work), entertainment that requires anything beyond simple mental strat (bejewelled etc.) is taxing
I was discussing this with my Friend Bill, who also happened to be my Best Man and commenting that the mental and physical exhaustion was creating a state of Shoshin that was allowing me to have ideas and changes in process that enabled me to do more than I thought possible. However it is a state that cannot exist forever at least in my opinion. Although many stressor's are removed I've found that other stressor's that normally don't bother me (being late for an appt etc.) are now very stressful since my schedule is very tight & the amount of time flexibility I have is in some cases only measured in minutes.
Luckily though once this week ends my schedule calms by about 25% That should be more manageable
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Hour's Respite

Good Evening Musers.
My gauntlet of overwork is almost over!
I just have a couple more days and this tutorial fest (that has been very very very financial good to me!) will be ending. After Sunday my schedule will settle down a bit, but with my next crop of incoming students I have an odd trade off in the works. I'll be losing weekday game time but I'll be gaining weekend game time. That is if I don't fill the time with other students OR have other real life things to do.
In my heart I think that Neren will be going in Storage for a bit. Not because I'm tired of him, but because I won't be able to invest the time in him that the 3.1 content requires until at least May. Once May comes around the SAT prep season begins the wind down & I can spend more time on my virtual self.
Still though I do enjoy my game time, when I can get it in. I actually got an hour in this morning..It was bliss. I mean I just felt the stress melt from me doing the Oracles dailies. Even farming the Stormwright's Shelf!
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin