Wednesday, July 2, 2008

On Leveling...Part 2

My first post covered some of my thoughts on leveling Greathoof. (Yes I'm outing my horde toon) I know I have alliance friends who read this so if you see me wave & say Hi! There were some other items that I didn't cover that still needed to be put to the digital page.
Item #1
New Players: Believe it or not new players are still out there. I've encountered some on my leveling journey. I thought them to be myth, but several indicators alerted me to their newbie status.
1.) No Omen. By far the biggest indicator of a new player is whether omen is loaded or not. All the end gamers w alt's have it loaded. The 2nd indicator is if they don't know what Omen is.
2.) Where to quest: Again a reliable indicator of level is do they know where to quest & where not to go. Granted I had to shake off my cobwebs but I remembered that feralas is for level 30-40, shimmering flats for 35-40, Stranglehorn vale covers 30-45 etc. etc.
3.) Threat: again something I discovered as I learned feral tanking. Players with alt's know about threat, new players however don't understand the math behind it.
4.) Gear: This one screams new player vs. alt\new server transfer. New players have gear that's a mis-mosh. End gamers\New on Server have gear that's built with bc in mind. That is to say. I will level up but as I do I will get the best possible gear that is available.
Item #2
Patch 2.4.3: In Patch 2.3 Blizzard upped the xp from quests by 30%. This was designed to allow end game players to level characters quicker than before. The feedback was this was not a great a boost as intended because of travel time from quest to quest. With Patch 2.4.3 the level that you acquire your mount will be lowered to 30 & the cost of the training will be lowered to 35 gold (without faction discounts.)
Now at first I viewed this as blasphemy, as sacrilege. But I came to my senses & understood that things change & this is a good thing. This will allow players to get through those large zones that usually are reserved for the level 30-40 players.
That concluded on Leveling...Part 2

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