Monday, November 17, 2008

Way to much WOTLK..seriously put down the mouse & step away from the computer

Alright, there's just something sick about reaching the level cap in under 4 days. We already have two players on fenris that I know off that have hit level 80 already. Did these people at least use the bathroom?!?! I mean come on there's more to life than WOW.

Also I have to give a shout out to my lovely wife, who I miss very very much (as do our fluffy sons) since she braved going to Best Buy & Pre-Ordering WOTLK for me. She only took a lil geek aggro but it was quickly flushed by flashing her ring of marriage and her debuff of
"It's for my husband" Alas lil best buy pally. Did you really think there were any single women who played WOW???

I'll have more concise thoughts on LK launch later this week
until then
The Musing Moonkin

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