The title says it all I actually didn't play WOW yesterday when I was home sick. I tried to, I logged in and did some dailies, but the plan I had for the day just didn't happen. However this was a good thing. I really just needed the bed rest\couch rest and I will say it again that if your home sick, you should avoid playing WOW because your mind will view the sick day as a virtual chore day. (I'm home, I can get all these quests, to-do's etc. finally done) therefor you'll end up feeling sicker than you did when you got up in the morning because you really didn't rest.
Here's the obstacles that gave me rest time
1.) Naxx Run that fell apart: One of my exguildies in TCD invited me to a Naxx am run. We were going to clear three bosses in construct quarter & then take down Kel'Thuzad. We started at 9:30, but after three wipes on Grobbulus two of the raid member quit which peeled off another 4 members and caused the Raid Leader to call the event.
I decided to go to bed until 11am to particpate in...
2.) The Occ run that never happened: Again a to-do that made me want to ignor how I felt. Yesterday's daily heroic was The Occulus. This is high on my to-do list because I still haven't downed the last boss on Heroic. The guild members logged on in the morning decided to Run it after the 11am reset. I got out of bed, logged back in only to find the people who said they'd run Occ not logged in. I decided to log out & watch TV for the rest of the afternoon.
Hell I was so sick yesterday, that my autopilot alt only went from 25 to 26. If that doesn't say your plauge ridden I don't know what is
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin
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