1.) Job Well Done!
As always Blizzard takes what worked & didn't work in previous major patches and improves on them.
- Argent Tournament is fantastic. What got me was the fact that you have to earn the right to compete in the tourney & from what I can gather this takes at least 3-4 days to acquire all the tokens. This means that all day players only have a slight advantage against casuals.
- In addition it opens up a number of items and achievements. I like the fact you can trade tokens for faction rep.
- Mounts Swimming is fun, hilarious & ever so useful.
- Fishing quests actually make sense, though the question for me is do I or don't I focus fire on getting that Turtle Mount?
- Completing the Epic Flight Form quest line is now a feat of strength. Oh Yeah!
- Level 213 idols being available for purchase. Goodbye Idol of Steadfast Renewal! Hello Idol of the Shooting Star!
- Mana Regen Nerf: Before I vent, I have a feeling this nerf will itself be nerfed. I understand the dev's view that mana regen was way too high (it kinda reminded me of a sci-fi weapon's power pack being drained then quickly replenished) but still the 40% nerf was a bit much. My guess is that it was nerfed that hard so they can 'adjust' it to say 20%.
- No Alchemy Daily Quests WTF?!!? I was so looking forward to this. I am seriously considering giving up my Alchy Stone for a epic trinket now.
- Dual-Spec: I'm going to have to agree with a couple of my cohorts, this was the worst 1000gp I have ever spent in world of warcraft. In my opinion, the concept of Dual Spec is good, the idea behind it is good, the implementation of it is good. Where it fails is the reality of players. What I saw last night was scores of alliance players on Fenris 'expanding their minds' only to say a few minutes later WTF, when am I ever going to be Shadow Priest or a Ret Pally.
Here's my point. To be an effective player, you need to know your class & spec. Unfortunately that takes time. There's no way around it, you want to be a good PVP'r your going to be in the battlegrounds or arenas for hours, you want to raid end game? Expect to put in hours reading strat working out theorycraft, determining what is sacrificed for what etc.
I can back this up with my own experiences Bear Tanking last summer, reading how to feral tank is one thing, but actually doing it took about six weeks before I had it down in normal dungeons.
I guess this ties back to my belief that once you find your ideal self, you should stick to it. In the end you find your alts unsatisfying.
Mini-Map needs to be fixed couldn't see my arrow on the new one.
That's it for now
Until another day
The Musing Moonkin
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