Happy Easter Everyone!
After my fluffy sons throughly sniffed around the house to verify that no long eared rodents made it through the proximity mines, I decided to finally post the Chinchilla Talent Line for World of Warcraft
Note: For any non wow players reading my blog here are a couple links to help you understand talents:
The official blizzard site
WOW Wiki's Page on talents & talent builds
And with that here are the chinchilla talent lines for world of warcraft!
The Cuteness line focuses on behavior that will endear to hairless chinchillas.
Cute chinchillas are able to get caught doing bad things and get away with it.
The Insolence line focuses on craftiness & wits. Insolent chinchillas are
able to get others to take the fall for their misdeeds & have long term
schemes come to fruition without detection.
The Nimbleness line focuses on senses & agility. Nimble chinchillas easily
evade predators & hairless doe's!
Tier 1
Opportunistic Sneeze (5 Ranks): You Sneeze more often, increasing positive
attention by the alpha doe by 10% but raising your chance to be found by
her by 1%
Chortle of Clarity (5 Ranks): Each rank increases by 10% the chance for
your chortles for treat to be heard over the din of the nest.
Tier 2
Kit Faced (5 Ranks) : You appear cuter & more kit like. Each rank increases
by 4% the chance that some minor misdeed will be ignored
Improved Beg (5 Ranks) : Each Rank increases by 4% that you'll get a major
treat when you assume a begging stance.
Tier 3:
Well Timed Bark (5 Ranks): Your Bark coincides with an intresting moment
around the nest! Each Rank increases Attention & Affection by hairless
chins by 10% for 10 minutes
Serene Shoulder Stay (5 Ranks) : You've mastered using a hairless doe's
shoulder as a perch. Each Rank increases by 10% you will get a major
treatle by the doe.
This talent leads to..
Sweet Nothings (1 Rank \ Instant \ 24hr cooldown) You squeak sweetly into
the alpha does ear, guarantying a raisin!
Tier 4
Aura of hairlessness(5 ranks): Your mischief will appear as innocous as if
it was done by a hairless kit. each rank increases by 10% that a major
misdeed will be ignored outright by the alpha doe & increases by 5% that
the misdeed will be regarded as cute by the alpha doe & will garnish either
major gnawwood\major treat
This leads to....
Wave Hands (1 rank\instant\12 hour cooldown)
You can wave your hands! This guarantee's increased positive attention by the
alpha doe for 30 minutes.
Tier 5
Mark of Whisper (1 rank\instant)
You've mastered the art of adorableness & assume the guise of Whisper. If
caught by a hairless kit, buck or doe no harm will come to you.
Tier 1
Improved Cunning (5 ranks) : Increases intelligence by 2% per rank.
Improved Helplessness (5 ranks): Each rank increases by 15% that your helpless stance will get
The alpha doe's defensive attention.
Tier 2
Kit Bark (5 Ranks): Your barks sound weak & kit like. Each rank increases by 10% that you'll get 5% more treat than you normally would. At the same time it increases by 2% that the Alpha Doe will pick you up & hold you out of concern.
Silent Patter (5 Ranks): Decreases detection from out of cage movement by 10% per rank
Tier 3
Mark of the Doe (1 rank): Your lies, falsehoods & fabrications bear the seal of the Alpha Doe! decreases chance of for other chins to disbelieve your whoppers by 75%
This leads to
Improved mark of the Doe(2 ranks): Each rank allows you to lie convincingly to Doe's!
Rank 1: Seal of the Grand Alpha Doe. This Rank allow MOTD to work on Alpha Doe's & Below 60% of the time.
Rank 2: Embossed Fiery Seal of the Great, Grand, Alpha Doe: This rank allows MOTD to work on Grand Alpha Doe's 60% of the time, and allows MOTD to work on Alpha Doe's & below 90% of the time.
Important Note: Do not attempt on Great, Grand Alpha Doe's, they are far to cunning to fall for your simple buck lies. The Best advice from end game forums is to let them in on your schemes & hope they give you a 1% cut & don't send you to a furrier!
Improved Decoy (5 Ranks): increases decoy mis-direction by 20% per rank
This leads to
Patsy(1 Rank/instant/48hr cooldown): Allows you to place blame squarely on a lower rodent (Mouse, Rat, Squirrel, Chipmunk, Rabbit) if said rodent is available. This will get you out of a minor & significant misdeeds by 100%
Tier 4
Improved Lackey (5 Ranks): Each rank increases by 20% that your Lackey's will follow your order's without deviation.
Master of Strategy (5 Ranks): Increases plotting by 15% of your intellect per rank.
Tier 5
Disciple of Pete (1 Rank \ Instant \ 24hr cooldown) : Your ability to manipulate hairless bucks is the stuff of Legend. Like Pete, you decided who lives & who dies.
When cast this puts the Alpha Buck in a trance state for ten minutes. He will then do as you command. The following actions will cause the trance to break.
Commanding the alpha buck to harm himself or by cause of action allow him to be harmed
Commanding the alpha buck to harm the alpha doe or by cause of action allow her to be harmed
Commanding the alpha buck to harm another chinchilla or by cause of action allow another chinchilla to be harmed
Although buckling your may be a disciple of the feared one, you still have much to learn. And after all Pete did take the many secrets over the rainbow bridge...
Tier 1
Keen Ears (5 Ranks): Increases hearing range by 10 yards per rank
Keen Nose (3 Ranks): Improves Treat Detection by 10 feet per rank
Improved Fake Sleep (2 Ranks): Improves your Fake Sleep ability by 10% per rank.
Tier 2
Controlled Panic (3 ranks): You can control you flight response. Decreases fur slippage & accidental injury by 25% per Rank
Improved Sight (2 Ranks): Increase your vision by 5 feet per rank
Misdirected Bark (3 Ranks): Each rank increases by 25% that your warning barks to get the alpha bucks positive attention & will guard nest for 30 minutes per rank
Improved Taunt Doe (2 Ranks): Each rank increases by 10 minutes the run time caused by your Taunt Doe ability.
This leads to...
Tactics (2 ranks instant): Improves the base chance that your Misdirect: Alpha Buck will work from by 25% per rank
Tier 3
Ignore Fooey Instant (5 ranks): Allows you to gnaw on Fooey sprayed wood for 1 minute per rank.
Hidey-Hole (3 ranks): Each rank increases the duration your Annoy Doe: Safely ability by 10%
Tier 4
Improve Evade Doe (5 ranks): Each rank increases the duration of your Evade Doe ability by 5 minutes
Adorably Defensive (5 ranks): Your cautious & your cute! Each rank increases the chance that when your in a peeping stance you'll garnish treat from the alpha buck or doe!
Tier 5
Trance of the Viscacha (Instant/36hour cooldown): You sucked it up, went back home, & studied under your country cousins! There your learned how to sit still for hours on end..until the time is just right. When activated you'll enter a trance that allows hairless chins to pick you up because they think you want to be! Once you reach your desired destination, you de-trance instantly with 200% of your normal abilities for 30 seconds. Woe to those unprepared hairless chins...
Happy Easter Everyone!
Neren & Family
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Power...Unlimited Power...
Being a married man with a life means that I have to schedule my game time. I don't have the luxury of playing every day or night. This was something that I discussed with my guild master when I switched over to Utopia. With that said, I've noticed that Murphy's Law has made me it's bitch! When I've blocked out time for the 25man raids, I'm not called to battle. And when I'm logging on to do a couple dailies or grind, because of real world commitments I get invited.
I try to stay positive & appreciate when I am included in the raids. After all you only appreciate something when you don't get it all the time and I've lost track of how many conversations have been about how grateful everyone is to be included in the End game content. So even if he never reads this thanks to Fugasi & the rest of the guild council for their time & commitment.
But getting back on subject. This Tuesday we were supposed to clear the Eye up till Kael, & since I blocked out the time to raid I wasn't called(Murphy's Law you cruel tyrant!) So I decided that I had two options 1.) level my alt or 2.) Farm for the Elixir of Dream Vision. I went with # 2. Emptied out my bags, & started farming in Azshara. I spent the next 4 hours slaughtering the Blue Dragonkin that were added in patch 2.3, hoping to get an Azure Whelpling. Instead I got Kang the Decapitator, which marks the 3rd Epic World drop I've gotten since starting playing back in 2006. It's sitting on the ah now I priced it at the median per Allakhazam.
In those four hours I sent my ah bitch, 40 items for ah including Kang. I actually had to run back to Astranaar twice because of lack of bag space. When I got back to Azshara, I saw a level 60 hunter trying to farm the Dragonkin, and I watched for a few seconds, decided to buff him & his pet, & proceeded to slaughter all the Dragonkin. Then it hit me, for the first time I felt more powerful than someone else. Here he was trying to take down one elite, while I had just killed eight of them not in Moonkin form. I had never felt this before in game, because I always tempered my progression to appropriate levels. I never went back to old world content, & when I farmed Azshara for my elixir drop, I never saw anyone else there unless maybe a level 70 farming for the dragon pet.
I hate to admit it but it felt good. I can see now why Power can be addictive. I sure don't hope I goto the dark side!
I try to stay positive & appreciate when I am included in the raids. After all you only appreciate something when you don't get it all the time and I've lost track of how many conversations have been about how grateful everyone is to be included in the End game content. So even if he never reads this thanks to Fugasi & the rest of the guild council for their time & commitment.
But getting back on subject. This Tuesday we were supposed to clear the Eye up till Kael, & since I blocked out the time to raid I wasn't called(Murphy's Law you cruel tyrant!) So I decided that I had two options 1.) level my alt or 2.) Farm for the Elixir of Dream Vision. I went with # 2. Emptied out my bags, & started farming in Azshara. I spent the next 4 hours slaughtering the Blue Dragonkin that were added in patch 2.3, hoping to get an Azure Whelpling. Instead I got Kang the Decapitator, which marks the 3rd Epic World drop I've gotten since starting playing back in 2006. It's sitting on the ah now I priced it at the median per Allakhazam.
In those four hours I sent my ah bitch, 40 items for ah including Kang. I actually had to run back to Astranaar twice because of lack of bag space. When I got back to Azshara, I saw a level 60 hunter trying to farm the Dragonkin, and I watched for a few seconds, decided to buff him & his pet, & proceeded to slaughter all the Dragonkin. Then it hit me, for the first time I felt more powerful than someone else. Here he was trying to take down one elite, while I had just killed eight of them not in Moonkin form. I had never felt this before in game, because I always tempered my progression to appropriate levels. I never went back to old world content, & when I farmed Azshara for my elixir drop, I never saw anyone else there unless maybe a level 70 farming for the dragon pet.
I hate to admit it but it felt good. I can see now why Power can be addictive. I sure don't hope I goto the dark side!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
An Imperfect Azeroth
Yesterday morning, I finally went into Maraudon. I never did the instance on my main I don't know why but I just remember not doing the instance when it was level appropriate. So when I picked up the quests on my alt, I made a choice yesterday to run the instance. Luckily I got a guildie who wanted to help since he had been in there only once.
Before I ran Mara, I had held that of all the instances in WOW, this one had the best back story.
From the world dungeons site:
Protected by the fierce Maraudine centaur, Maraudon is one of the most sacred sites within Desolace. The great temple/cavern is the burial place of Zaetar, one of two immortal sons born to the demigod, Cenarius. Legend holds that Zaetar and the earth elemental princess, Theradras, sired the misbegotten centaur race. It is said that upon their emergence, the barbaric centaur turned on their father and killed him. Some believe that Theradras, in her grief, trapped Zaetar's spirit within the winding cavern - used its energies for some malign purpose. The subterranean tunnels are populated by the vicious, long-dead ghosts of the Centaur Khans, as well as Theradras' own raging, elemental minions.
Then yesterday I actually ran the dungeon and I changed my mind!
Maraudon was the first dungeon released after WOW came out. And after one hour clearing it with a level 70 end game hunter and accepting we were only 30% done, it dawned on me that my disillusionment that I was feeling with the instance was because it reminded me of an all too human trait. The designers had overreached when they built the dungeon. They built the dungeon so big, to show off how good WOW was, that you actually get tired of the instance!
To me a good instance is like a good story, there's a clear starting point a clear middle & an well defined ending where all the loose ends are tied up. The best example of this is Black Morass, which is why I ran it twice one day & enjoyed both runs.
Mara though felt like a Victorian novel that's major plot points are separated by 50 pages of dry dialog & unnecessary details. Of course this also may be due to when it was made & the designers using older MMO dungeon designs as a template, But unlike the Victorian novel, Mara can be changed, it's a virtual world after all, & if Blizzard is moving Naxx for WOLTK, I think they could compress Mara so that instead of it taking 3-4 hours run, they could remove some of the extra corridors so that's it would take 1 to 2 hours. If they do this, I would expect that a lot more people would run this as they level up their characters instead of passing on it to do other quests.
Before I ran Mara, I had held that of all the instances in WOW, this one had the best back story.
From the world dungeons site:
Protected by the fierce Maraudine centaur, Maraudon is one of the most sacred sites within Desolace. The great temple/cavern is the burial place of Zaetar, one of two immortal sons born to the demigod, Cenarius. Legend holds that Zaetar and the earth elemental princess, Theradras, sired the misbegotten centaur race. It is said that upon their emergence, the barbaric centaur turned on their father and killed him. Some believe that Theradras, in her grief, trapped Zaetar's spirit within the winding cavern - used its energies for some malign purpose. The subterranean tunnels are populated by the vicious, long-dead ghosts of the Centaur Khans, as well as Theradras' own raging, elemental minions.
Then yesterday I actually ran the dungeon and I changed my mind!
Maraudon was the first dungeon released after WOW came out. And after one hour clearing it with a level 70 end game hunter and accepting we were only 30% done, it dawned on me that my disillusionment that I was feeling with the instance was because it reminded me of an all too human trait. The designers had overreached when they built the dungeon. They built the dungeon so big, to show off how good WOW was, that you actually get tired of the instance!
To me a good instance is like a good story, there's a clear starting point a clear middle & an well defined ending where all the loose ends are tied up. The best example of this is Black Morass, which is why I ran it twice one day & enjoyed both runs.
Mara though felt like a Victorian novel that's major plot points are separated by 50 pages of dry dialog & unnecessary details. Of course this also may be due to when it was made & the designers using older MMO dungeon designs as a template, But unlike the Victorian novel, Mara can be changed, it's a virtual world after all, & if Blizzard is moving Naxx for WOLTK, I think they could compress Mara so that instead of it taking 3-4 hours run, they could remove some of the extra corridors so that's it would take 1 to 2 hours. If they do this, I would expect that a lot more people would run this as they level up their characters instead of passing on it to do other quests.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
World of Chincraft: Part 1
I'm sick today, & before I get into dailies. I wanted to post this hope you enjoy..
As I've mentioned before my wife & I have two pet chinchillas. For anyone who is considering children I would strongly recommend chinchillas prior to attempting to breed as they are a great warm up to the level of changes your lives will go through if you decide to have kids.
Also if any pet store employee tells you that chinchillas are an easy no hassle pet, I sincerely urge you to beat them until they are twitching on the ground. And finally if you don't believe me please goto chincare & read up on my fluffy sons. Right now is one of those times I wish I had a dog, at least dogs don't avoid you because your sick & they don't want to catch the buboesAs I've mentioned before my wife & I have two pet chinchillas. For anyone who is considering children I would strongly recommend chinchillas prior to attempting to breed as they are a great warm up to the level of changes your lives will go through if you decide to have kids.
With that of my chest here is what I have to say about the World of Chincraft. In general my chinchillas love that I play WOW for purely selfish chinnie reasons. As far as they are concerned WOW = Alpha Buck in Nest Room = No Gaurd Duty for Us!
Allow me to explain for the non-chinnie owners. Chinchillas are nocturnal like almost all rodents. During the day they will take turns guarding the nest for any predators (hawks, foxes, Hairless Doe's wanting to hold them.) But unlike other rodents, chin's lives in herd\clan groups & identify they're owners as members of the herd\clan. Albeit larger, hairless chinchillas who've mastered fire & tools & will not share their secrets with them. Still though members of the tribe. I am the Alpha Buck (aka, butler, fetching buck), my wife is the Alpha Doe (she who must be obeyed.)
So when I sit & play WOW, to my sons I am on Gaurd Duty, keeping them safe from the myriad predators that they've never seen, heard or smelled but still are expecting to show up. There I sit, focused, alert, & above all Quiet. TV will either be very quiet or off, and I'm just being a dutiful alpha buck watching over my sons.
Of course the fact that this also allows them to BOTH sleep & not have to take shifts keeping watch suits them just fine! Since of course I am a negligent father during the week & they have to keep watch while I'm gone, it's the least I can do to atone for my since. This also means that when I leave on Sunday's to teach in the afternoon, I come home to find one or both of them glaring at me; eyes brimming with the injustice of the situation. That they had to take turns keeping watch instead of me fills their little chinchin eyes with fury!
In addition, when I used to let them out for run time & played WOW (this has stopped per the wife,) even though I was watching them (most of the time =P) in their scheming chinnie minds I was occupied & they could proceed with nefarious deeds undeterred. These deeds mostly consisted of nipping the pillows my wife uses on our couch (take that doe! hold me & use me for photos...hmph!) & of course gnawing on books. They'd also periodically run across the keyboard of my laptop, which made for some interesting chat on trade. Neren says: "Need Elixirs or Flasks? pkjdenhes"
As I said before in general they like me playing WOW, there are times it conflicts with their needs . And of course that simply will not do!
Being nocturnal , Folgers time for them in around 8:00.8:30 pm. At around 9ish they get the daily treat (seeds, vitamins etc.) This also coincides with my raid time, which wouldn't be a problem except that the Doe is stingy on the treat, (again in their minds keeping the choicest bits for herself) so I'm expected to be the one doling it out. If they see that I have my headphones on. I will get glaring looks & lots of noise in the cage as a reminder of what time it is. They also use this to get treat early "Uh Daddy, better give us treat now before Phase 2 of Vash"
And finally any time after 10pm we need to be paying attention to them (regardless of if were getting ready for bed\next day!) They're awake & demand amusement! If I'm home alone & playing WOW when I turn my head I'll see them looking at me wondering why I'm not being a good chin parent & juggling in front of the cage.
One last thing before I go, my next post will be about chin talents. I'm not into Furry, but if you were to play a chinchilla in WOW, I came up with talents for them.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Why Blizzard Succeded where others failed: A Response to Risen's Statmen
So Risen has decided to stop raiding because they feel that WOW has become far too casual, and they are infuriated with the injustice that 'casual' players can attain gear that's on par with the Tier 6 gear that they've worked hard to acquire by raiding BT\Hyjal.
My first reaction to reading their post was pure anger. I read it, re-read it & felt the moonkin fury welling in my gut. I've heard this argument before & not just with MMO's but in any sub-group that has new members join it's ranks.
During my years of martial arts practice students\black belts who had come up the ranks in the 70's, 80's & 90's & had to jump through hoops to prove their abilities would often complain about how the 7th & 8th Dan's that ran the US organization had become soft on the new students, how the standards had changed, how what passes as good technique today would've had the student grilled for sloppiness 'Back in the Day' .
I view this thought process at the most basic social level is is Elitism with an asterisk. The asterisk is the following: unless you were part of the group at this time, or at this place (alpha, beta, release etc.) you can never belong. You can surpass us, you can accomplish goals we never attained, but since you didn't belong 'Back in the Day', we'll never give you the same respect that
we'd give our peers. This is vastly different than elitism based on accomplishment. (I've got my tier gear, I've got my pvp gear.) With this form of elitism you can still earn respect amongst your peers.
But I digress, my main point of this post is that this Elitism, fails to recognize something important about WOW, because those who practice it forget something important. WOW succeeded because blizzard learned the lessons of the past. Those like Risen have forgotten them.
In the beginning there was Ultima Online, Followed By EverQuest, then Dark Age of Camelot. These games required players to invest huge amounts to time & created the image of the MMORPG Addict, because frankly you had to be either unemployed or extremely maladjusted to progress in the game. When I think of MMO's back then I think of people spending 12-14 hours a day to improve a tiny bit.
Then in 2004 City of Heroes came out which in my opinion was the first step towards casuality; which I define as being able to progress in an MMO and invest less than 3 hours a day. I use 3 hours a day as a standard because that's about how much tv a person watches here in the US per night on average. This was the first MMO I played & I could play it for 2 hours & then put the game down.
WOW came out later that year & it was designed from the begging to grab this casual market. If only 5% of the user base is going to see UBRS & the other 95% isn't, then your going to design for the 95% of the user base. What Blizzard did very well was motivate people to attempt to attain what the 5% of raiders attained. You may not attain Grand Marshal of the alliance but you could try. They also gave out talent points, which determined how you wanted to Play the game, but it was layed out quite clearly that if you were a druid, well your going to be resto, because the tier set only gave a bonus to your resto spells. And this wasn't only for druids, it was for every other class as well.
But what blizzard learned over time was that if you want to increase your user base, you need to not peg your users into one role, you need to allow your users the freedom, to play how they'd like to play & be able to see the end game content. The more players who can see then end game, the more subscriptions, which means more money, which means more content.
My first reaction to reading their post was pure anger. I read it, re-read it & felt the moonkin fury welling in my gut. I've heard this argument before & not just with MMO's but in any sub-group that has new members join it's ranks.
During my years of martial arts practice students\black belts who had come up the ranks in the 70's, 80's & 90's & had to jump through hoops to prove their abilities would often complain about how the 7th & 8th Dan's that ran the US organization had become soft on the new students, how the standards had changed, how what passes as good technique today would've had the student grilled for sloppiness 'Back in the Day' .
I view this thought process at the most basic social level is is Elitism with an asterisk. The asterisk is the following: unless you were part of the group at this time, or at this place (alpha, beta, release etc.) you can never belong. You can surpass us, you can accomplish goals we never attained, but since you didn't belong 'Back in the Day', we'll never give you the same respect that
we'd give our peers. This is vastly different than elitism based on accomplishment. (I've got my tier gear, I've got my pvp gear.) With this form of elitism you can still earn respect amongst your peers.
But I digress, my main point of this post is that this Elitism, fails to recognize something important about WOW, because those who practice it forget something important. WOW succeeded because blizzard learned the lessons of the past. Those like Risen have forgotten them.
In the beginning there was Ultima Online, Followed By EverQuest, then Dark Age of Camelot. These games required players to invest huge amounts to time & created the image of the MMORPG Addict, because frankly you had to be either unemployed or extremely maladjusted to progress in the game. When I think of MMO's back then I think of people spending 12-14 hours a day to improve a tiny bit.
Then in 2004 City of Heroes came out which in my opinion was the first step towards casuality; which I define as being able to progress in an MMO and invest less than 3 hours a day. I use 3 hours a day as a standard because that's about how much tv a person watches here in the US per night on average. This was the first MMO I played & I could play it for 2 hours & then put the game down.
WOW came out later that year & it was designed from the begging to grab this casual market. If only 5% of the user base is going to see UBRS & the other 95% isn't, then your going to design for the 95% of the user base. What Blizzard did very well was motivate people to attempt to attain what the 5% of raiders attained. You may not attain Grand Marshal of the alliance but you could try. They also gave out talent points, which determined how you wanted to Play the game, but it was layed out quite clearly that if you were a druid, well your going to be resto, because the tier set only gave a bonus to your resto spells. And this wasn't only for druids, it was for every other class as well.
But what blizzard learned over time was that if you want to increase your user base, you need to not peg your users into one role, you need to allow your users the freedom, to play how they'd like to play & be able to see the end game content. The more players who can see then end game, the more subscriptions, which means more money, which means more content.
Friday, March 7, 2008
WOW = Golf
I discovered about two weeks ago that a large group of my co-workers had a WOW guild on Blackwater Raiders. We more specifically they all belonged to a horde guild on BR. (I later found out that the gm was not a co-worker.) After speaking w a good friend in the guild he told me where they stood on Guild Progression (Hyjal, BT) & if I level up a toon there I'd probably get in since I knew about 8 guys in the guild from real life. At the same time he understood that I had almost two months of real life invested in Neren & that if I did this I would be putting an end game toon in cold storage. We then discussed Vash strategy & joked about being end game druids. Also one of the VP's at the location was in the guild but he was into PVP, so he & I talked WOW but not in the same perspective as my other co-worker who was into end-game content. Still though both of them thought my Blog was awesome so that's cool!
I told this to my wife as she was cooking dinner. She then looked at me with eyes that were infused with seriousness & told me that she wanted me to level a character on that server so I could play with them since it would help me with my career. I think she even checked on me once to see if I was on my main or working on my new toon. I explained that it would take about 30 days to reach were my friends were at in WOW. She was like ok that's a month, to which I replied no 30 days (or 720 hours) to non wow players.
To be honest my heart just isn't into it. Leveling a character to play with my co-workers (who aren't even at my location) because it might help my career doesn't feel right. I think my wife relates it to Golf & I can see the analogy, but it's not the same as Golf. We can talk WOW, we can share experiences, but it's not like a golf PUG, where you can chat and make deals. Raids are focused events, you don't discuss anything other than the raid.
Still though I can see WOW becoming like golf over time, servers are clubs, guilds as groups, etc. One time I helped my friend Meatpuppet IRL with his company's cell management issues.
But I see it taking time for WOW to develop into the networking atmosphere that the golf course is famous for. Real World relationships take time, as opposed to WOW relationships which form\fail at an accelerated rate.
I told this to my wife as she was cooking dinner. She then looked at me with eyes that were infused with seriousness & told me that she wanted me to level a character on that server so I could play with them since it would help me with my career. I think she even checked on me once to see if I was on my main or working on my new toon. I explained that it would take about 30 days to reach were my friends were at in WOW. She was like ok that's a month, to which I replied no 30 days (or 720 hours) to non wow players.
To be honest my heart just isn't into it. Leveling a character to play with my co-workers (who aren't even at my location) because it might help my career doesn't feel right. I think my wife relates it to Golf & I can see the analogy, but it's not the same as Golf. We can talk WOW, we can share experiences, but it's not like a golf PUG, where you can chat and make deals. Raids are focused events, you don't discuss anything other than the raid.
Still though I can see WOW becoming like golf over time, servers are clubs, guilds as groups, etc. One time I helped my friend Meatpuppet IRL with his company's cell management issues.
But I see it taking time for WOW to develop into the networking atmosphere that the golf course is famous for. Real World relationships take time, as opposed to WOW relationships which form\fail at an accelerated rate.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Gary Gygax: A Eulogy
I am still stunned that Gary Gygax has passed from this world. I think that Penny Arcade put it best I cannot imagine where my life would be without the world that Gary & his brother created. as a young geek padawan learner, D&D & AD&D were so important to me & to my fellow learners. I still remember the first time I played it, across the street from my grandmother's house with my friends. I played a premade & was killed one of his characters. It opened up a gigantic world to me. It opened up obscure rules to fantasy that had limits, to consequences, to choices, to calculated bravery. It led to socialization & friends that I would never have met.
Gary Gygax's contribution to this world are far greater than people can imagine. Whole industries sprung up because of what he created; And I think that's what I'm seeing today online. Everyone is realizing how big of an impact his works made. I never got to meet Gary but if I could've I would've said this:
"Mr Gygax thank you for what you created, I would not be the man I am today if it wasn't for you."
Gary Gygax's contribution to this world are far greater than people can imagine. Whole industries sprung up because of what he created; And I think that's what I'm seeing today online. Everyone is realizing how big of an impact his works made. I never got to meet Gary but if I could've I would've said this:
"Mr Gygax thank you for what you created, I would not be the man I am today if it wasn't for you."
Vash down...I wasn't there =(
Sometimes it sucks being a dutiful husband. I had to pick my wife up from the train station last night. I missed the raid invite by 10 minutes. Utopia downed her in 3 attempts. Next stop Kael'thas Sunstrider!
Monday, March 3, 2008
I hate cloth gear
The title of this post says it all. Normally I don't like wearing cloth gear. I hate it in fact. To me it feels like I'm cheating. I don't know any other way to explain it other than I'm a druid, I'm supposed to wear leather & I'll be damned to be wearing some silken breeches that should be on a glass cannon. One of my guild mates in fact called me a leather supremacist, and if I could I would have it as my toon's title.
As I've progressed through endgame I stood firm & kept my Kurnai Kilt, even though better dps cloth pants would drop. Then last Thursday the Trial-Fire Trousers dropped off the Opera even in Kara. These pants offered me something that my kilt didn't stamina. So for three days I mulled over what to do with them. Then on Sunday I bit the bullet, loaded them up with 3 smooth dawnstone's
Slapped on a Runic Spellthread & got my new pants. I've included my current armory link if you want to check them out.
The irony of course is that I know the next time I run Gruul, my tier 4 will drop. This is how the universe works. I drop 325 gold on upgrades & I'll need to do it again when my real pants drop.
As I've progressed through endgame I stood firm & kept my Kurnai Kilt, even though better dps cloth pants would drop. Then last Thursday the Trial-Fire Trousers dropped off the Opera even in Kara. These pants offered me something that my kilt didn't stamina. So for three days I mulled over what to do with them. Then on Sunday I bit the bullet, loaded them up with 3 smooth dawnstone's
Slapped on a Runic Spellthread & got my new pants. I've included my current armory link if you want to check them out.
The irony of course is that I know the next time I run Gruul, my tier 4 will drop. This is how the universe works. I drop 325 gold on upgrades & I'll need to do it again when my real pants drop.
A'lar Down \ Vash down to 3%
I wasn't able to stay on for Vash due to ISP disconnects, but my guild mates got her to 3%. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to stay on to actually be there when she goes down
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Update Why I'll never goto BlizzCon \ Husband Talent Points
After my wife read this post she added this comment:
"No one would get close enough to you for me to threaten them because I emit Keep Away Aura."
"No one would get close enough to you for me to threaten them because I emit Keep Away Aura."
Why I'll never goto BlizzCon \ Husband Talent Points
As I've posted before I'm a happily married man, who's been blessed to have a geek wife to call his own. She really is the best thing to happen to me & she makes sure to remind me several times a day! She also is a very protective wife, and when I say that I mean that she watches over me like a hawk. Not because I'm a cheating man but because she has put time & effort in leveling my husband skills to end game progression & she gets concerned that another woman will loot her epic goods so to speak. I relate this to our pet chinchillas specifically female chins.
Doe's (as they are called) are very territorially. Unless two Doe's are related by blood, they cannot be put together! If one is bigger than the other the Big one will beat down the smaller one until submission. If they are the same size they will literally fight to the death for dominance. The only time my wife has been bitten by chinchillas were by Doe's that viewed her as competition. As we say in our house Doe's hate Doe's. Doe's are also crafty & shrewd, again similar traits in human women. Another rule in our house is KTDH: Keep the Doe Happy. When in doubt always refer to KTDH.
So where does this lead, well last week I was watching on the HD Videogame channel a show about BlizzCon 2007. I wasn't able to attend because we had just gotten married. But my wife had agreed that it would be ok for me to attend the 2008 convention if it ran. That was until she saw some 20 something girl dressed as a level 20 Draeni mage! My wife looked @ me & said "No Fucking Way are you going there unless I can come with a death bringer!" I then had to correct her & tell her it was called the bringer of death! http://www.wowwiki.com/The_Bringer_of_Death
It's always important to use correct verbiage!
Ok fast forward to last Saturday night, I'm in SSC & we're trying to take down Vash. More specifically we're learning the fight. I tell my GL that I'm pulling out @ 8pm. He was like "No Problem I know you had to pull strings to raid on a Saturday night." I tell my wife I'm done & she says to keep raiding because she was working on scrapbook. I jump back on vent & my GL says "Wow what skills do you have to get back into a raid, I'd like to know!" So we joke about Husband Talent Point's which I'll go into the end of the PostDoe's (as they are called) are very territorially. Unless two Doe's are related by blood, they cannot be put together! If one is bigger than the other the Big one will beat down the smaller one until submission. If they are the same size they will literally fight to the death for dominance. The only time my wife has been bitten by chinchillas were by Doe's that viewed her as competition. As we say in our house Doe's hate Doe's. Doe's are also crafty & shrewd, again similar traits in human women. Another rule in our house is KTDH: Keep the Doe Happy. When in doubt always refer to KTDH.
So where does this lead, well last week I was watching on the HD Videogame channel a show about BlizzCon 2007. I wasn't able to attend because we had just gotten married. But my wife had agreed that it would be ok for me to attend the 2008 convention if it ran. That was until she saw some 20 something girl dressed as a level 20 Draeni mage! My wife looked @ me & said "No Fucking Way are you going there unless I can come with a death bringer!" I then had to correct her & tell her it was called the bringer of death! http://www.wowwiki.com/The_Bringer_of_Death
It's always important to use correct verbiage!
Now fast forward to Thursday's Badgeazhan run: My wife comes over to me & does an impersonation of the Draeni Mage that damned me from every attending BlizzCon. She added the
some more details. She heard I was end game, that I had Tier Gear, that I had a lot of gold & could I come back to her room to show her how to setup macros on her laptop. Meanwhile the PTT key was on so everyone in my guild that was part of the run heard her skit & was laughing their asses off. Yesterday I was thinking about her little skit & I thought, hmm what would my wife really say to that girl if she was at BlizzCon w me & small gamma doe came up & was flirty.
Here is what I think she would say
"Hi I've got a level 70 DOE stick that I've had enchanted with Doeish Fury. Ron Pardo & Chris Metzen's wives told me to tell you that if your around after we get back from our Pedicure's I need to show them the proc rate on it by using you as a Advanced Targeting Dummy."
With that said how do I keep my wife happy.
Here is part of my talent build ( I wasn't allowed to post it all..you can guess why)
3/3 points - Sense wife's needs
2/2 points - fetching which I then put all 5 point into Advanced Fetching
3/4 points - Improved foot rub (i'd put another point but I'm afraid I'll be rubbing her feet forever)
3 points - Improved Listening
3 points - Detailed Housecleaning
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