I'm sick today, & before I get into dailies. I wanted to post this hope you enjoy..
As I've mentioned before my wife & I have two pet chinchillas. For anyone who is considering children I would strongly recommend chinchillas prior to attempting to breed as they are a great warm up to the level of changes your lives will go through if you decide to have kids.
Also if any pet store employee tells you that chinchillas are an easy no hassle pet, I sincerely urge you to beat them until they are twitching on the ground. And finally if you don't believe me please goto chincare & read up on my fluffy sons. Right now is one of those times I wish I had a dog, at least dogs don't avoid you because your sick & they don't want to catch the buboesAs I've mentioned before my wife & I have two pet chinchillas. For anyone who is considering children I would strongly recommend chinchillas prior to attempting to breed as they are a great warm up to the level of changes your lives will go through if you decide to have kids.
With that of my chest here is what I have to say about the World of Chincraft. In general my chinchillas love that I play WOW for purely selfish chinnie reasons. As far as they are concerned WOW = Alpha Buck in Nest Room = No Gaurd Duty for Us!
Allow me to explain for the non-chinnie owners. Chinchillas are nocturnal like almost all rodents. During the day they will take turns guarding the nest for any predators (hawks, foxes, Hairless Doe's wanting to hold them.) But unlike other rodents, chin's lives in herd\clan groups & identify they're owners as members of the herd\clan. Albeit larger, hairless chinchillas who've mastered fire & tools & will not share their secrets with them. Still though members of the tribe. I am the Alpha Buck (aka, butler, fetching buck), my wife is the Alpha Doe (she who must be obeyed.)
So when I sit & play WOW, to my sons I am on Gaurd Duty, keeping them safe from the myriad predators that they've never seen, heard or smelled but still are expecting to show up. There I sit, focused, alert, & above all Quiet. TV will either be very quiet or off, and I'm just being a dutiful alpha buck watching over my sons.
Of course the fact that this also allows them to BOTH sleep & not have to take shifts keeping watch suits them just fine! Since of course I am a negligent father during the week & they have to keep watch while I'm gone, it's the least I can do to atone for my since. This also means that when I leave on Sunday's to teach in the afternoon, I come home to find one or both of them glaring at me; eyes brimming with the injustice of the situation. That they had to take turns keeping watch instead of me fills their little chinchin eyes with fury!
In addition, when I used to let them out for run time & played WOW (this has stopped per the wife,) even though I was watching them (most of the time =P) in their scheming chinnie minds I was occupied & they could proceed with nefarious deeds undeterred. These deeds mostly consisted of nipping the pillows my wife uses on our couch (take that doe! hold me & use me for photos...hmph!) & of course gnawing on books. They'd also periodically run across the keyboard of my laptop, which made for some interesting chat on trade. Neren says: "Need Elixirs or Flasks? pkjdenhes"
As I said before in general they like me playing WOW, there are times it conflicts with their needs . And of course that simply will not do!
Being nocturnal , Folgers time for them in around 8:00.8:30 pm. At around 9ish they get the daily treat (seeds, vitamins etc.) This also coincides with my raid time, which wouldn't be a problem except that the Doe is stingy on the treat, (again in their minds keeping the choicest bits for herself) so I'm expected to be the one doling it out. If they see that I have my headphones on. I will get glaring looks & lots of noise in the cage as a reminder of what time it is. They also use this to get treat early "Uh Daddy, better give us treat now before Phase 2 of Vash"
And finally any time after 10pm we need to be paying attention to them (regardless of if were getting ready for bed\next day!) They're awake & demand amusement! If I'm home alone & playing WOW when I turn my head I'll see them looking at me wondering why I'm not being a good chin parent & juggling in front of the cage.
One last thing before I go, my next post will be about chin talents. I'm not into Furry, but if you were to play a chinchilla in WOW, I came up with talents for them.
Well, at least you know I'm to be obeyed. LOL
-Alpha Doe
LOL, another brilliant piece of witty writing from the Alpha Buck! =D LOVE IT! All Hail the Alpha Doe!
Why thank you Sally. We Alpha Does must stick together.
(aka the Alpha Doe of Neheren's Nest)
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