Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why I'll never goto BlizzCon \ Husband Talent Points

As I've posted before I'm a happily married man, who's been blessed to have a geek wife to call his own. She really is the best thing to happen to me & she makes sure to remind me several times a day! She also is a very protective wife, and when I say that I mean that she watches over me like a hawk. Not because I'm a cheating man but because she has put time & effort in leveling my husband skills to end game progression & she gets concerned that another woman will loot her epic goods so to speak. I relate this to our pet chinchillas specifically female chins.
Doe's (as they are called) are very territorially. Unless two Doe's are related by blood, they cannot be put together! If one is bigger than the other the Big one will beat down the smaller one until submission. If they are the same size they will literally fight to the death for dominance. The only time my wife has been bitten by chinchillas were by Doe's that viewed her as competition. As we say in our house Doe's hate Doe's. Doe's are also crafty & shrewd, again similar traits in human women. Another rule in our house is KTDH: Keep the Doe Happy. When in doubt always refer to KTDH.
So where does this lead, well last week I was watching on the HD Videogame channel a show about BlizzCon 2007. I wasn't able to attend because we had just gotten married. But my wife had agreed that it would be ok for me to attend the 2008 convention if it ran. That was until she saw some 20 something girl dressed as a level 20 Draeni mage! My wife looked @ me & said "No Fucking Way are you going there unless I can come with a death bringer!" I then had to correct her & tell her it was called the bringer of death!
It's always important to use correct verbiage!
Ok fast forward to last Saturday night, I'm in SSC & we're trying to take down Vash. More specifically we're learning the fight. I tell my GL that I'm pulling out @ 8pm. He was like "No Problem I know you had to pull strings to raid on a Saturday night." I tell my wife I'm done & she says to keep raiding because she was working on scrapbook. I jump back on vent & my GL says "Wow what skills do you have to get back into a raid, I'd like to know!" So we joke about Husband Talent Point's which I'll go into the end of the Post
Now fast forward to Thursday's Badgeazhan run: My wife comes over to me & does an impersonation of the Draeni Mage that damned me from every attending BlizzCon. She added the
some more details. She heard I was end game, that I had Tier Gear, that I had a lot of gold & could I come back to her room to show her how to setup macros on her laptop. Meanwhile the PTT key was on so everyone in my guild that was part of the run heard her skit & was laughing their asses off. Yesterday I was thinking about her little skit & I thought, hmm what would my wife really say to that girl if she was at BlizzCon w me & small gamma doe came up & was flirty.
Here is what I think she would say
"Hi I've got a level 70 DOE stick that I've had enchanted with Doeish Fury. Ron Pardo & Chris Metzen's wives told me to tell you that if your around after we get back from our Pedicure's I need to show them the proc rate on it by using you as a Advanced Targeting Dummy."
With that said how do I keep my wife happy.
Here is part of my talent build ( I wasn't allowed to post it can guess why)
3/3 points - Sense wife's needs
2/2 points - fetching which I then put all 5 point into Advanced Fetching
3/4 points - Improved foot rub (i'd put another point but I'm afraid I'll be rubbing her feet forever)
3 points - Improved Listening
3 points - Detailed Housecleaning

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