Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Beta Blues...

I got into the Lich King Beta about a week & a half ago. On one end it's kinda of an honor to be selected for beta testing by blizzard. I know that they say it's a random selection, but the quality of the players doesn't lead me to believe it. There are too many armani war bears & too many twin blades of azzinoth for me to believe it's a random selection of users who opt'd in. I've also seen both mount drops from ZG too.
On the flip side. The beta can really suck. For anyone not in the beta, the joy of being allowed into northrend before your friends is tempered by Quests that are partially implemented (btw anyone have a hair trigger =P) Talent builds that are in place but don't appear to be working. And having to deal with your tradeskill leveling past 375. And of course new builds that take several hours to download and then patch into your system.
Oh and the most annoying thing. is that since there's only two servers (pve & pvp) your name may have already been taken. Hence I'm Fingolfin on Northrend. Two points for anyone who can figure out that refrence wout looking it up on wikipedia!

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