Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Bittersweet Joy of cleaning out Bankspace

Last Night's raid was called at 8pm due to a lack of group mixture. We broke into two kara groups (adults & teenagers\young adults) We set a goal of clearing Badgeazahn within 3 hrs. Our group due to a couple wipes did it in 3.5hrs. We actually wiped on the trash before opera so after that we took it a little bit more seriously
When all said in done it was a Monty Haul for Me
It got to a point where I felt bad needing on all this stuff, but I did win on the Violet Eye (99 on need roll), and everyone else has tier 5 or equivalent gear & didn't want it. What was weird though was that for my healing set, this was such a major upgrade. But it was bittersweet. Checking my bag space I had a lot of blues that took a lot of work to get, but there was no point in keeping them. So my two healing staff's My Blue healing belt, gloves, My Feral Pants & Belt. Lots and lots of time and effort, sold in a few minutes.
It would be nice for blizzard to create an archive or a museum feature where players could put notable gear in so that they could look at it for old times sake. I'll leave it at that

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The first time I've ever been upset at Blizzard...

happened today.
I went to bed last night at 10pm sick, & got up @ 7:15 or so, about an hour later than I had set my alarm. I feel better, but still out of sorts, so I determined that laundry would either be done tonight or tomorrow after work. My wife still sick w flu merely wanted an ice pack & occasional checkups.
After getting coffee, letting the chinnie's run around for the first time since Thursday (they get twitchy if they don't get exercise time every two days...they're cage may be 4X2X3 but still they need open exercise) I logged in to check on how we did last night in SSC. Utopia is on Vash & when I tapped out @ 10pm we were still going. Apparently we didn't down her because we're on again @ 6:30 for tonight. We battled that naga from 5:30 to 8 then 8:45 until god knows when. But it was necessary to learn how the fight works. You can watch the videos but you actually need to get over the chaos of that battle.
Anyway I picked up the daily cooking quest, and lo and behold...the heroic is Shadow Labs...Somehow the gods must favor me because I got a mixed pug up by 8:30 & was in sl by 8:45 (with two replacements, since I didn't realize my guild pally was ret & the rogue he brought w him wanted to run it only w him.)
Progress was going slow & steady, no wipes until after 1st boss & we had to change tactics because we realized we didn't have a shadow mage to mc one of the mobs during the six pulls. At 10am we started seeing warnings that the instance was going to reset in one hour. I had never seen that before (as well as others so we thought that the time meant that we had an hour to take down the 2nd boss.) Wrong. @ 11am the server resets all heroic instances. So what did this mean for us? Well we got to Grandmaster Vorpil with approx 3 mins left before server reset.
Now here is the kicker, before the pug was filled I had noticed a herb node spawned in the river by the Scryer Village in Tekkor Forest & I had reported it the GM's. Well the GM answered @ 10:55. was blizzard able to help? No. So this left me & five other married men with chores that beckoned with an unfinished quest. And were not talking the daily, we're talking the champion of the naaru quest. For me at least this is the last part before Mag.
I want to be angry at Blizzard but one of my best traits stops me from going into a blood fury. The problem here is that Blizzard hasn't adjusted their maintenance schedules to the changing demographics of players. Namely Adults who get up early on weekends. And what's really sick is that I can understand this.
I'm a gamer, I've played video games since I was at least 3-4. I can remember how nervous my uncle was letting me play on his Atari 2600 because back in '78 that machine cost $199. I was weaned on Laser Blast & Pitfall, I learned to play Summer Games on an AT&T clone, I had a C64 & had friends who were jealous because they had vic20's or PETS. I stopped Tarjan in his tracks twice. I skipped Nintendo, went to genesis, played my fair share of Sonic, Went back to PC's (Xwing\Tie-Fighter\Might & Magic.) Played Doom, Played Aliens PWAD, Downloaded QTest, submitted Bugs to ID, Bought Quake through the 1-800 #, played Deathmatch for six months on lvls that only the people who had called ID directly could access (remember it was released in June & didn't goto retail until December.) Fallout 1&2 & Tactics. Diablo for 36 hours straight. The point is I've played a lot & I know the mantra that is instilled into every young gamer..Game all night sleep is for the week...caffeine is a powerful makes you stronger, gives you focus..but beware the dew lest you get addicted. & if you run game servers, never do system maintenance late in the evening, do it late morning when no one is online.
The Problem is that the gamers have grown up, & even if I can stay up all night on a Friday I have things to do Sat Morning. & it's not just me it's everyone I know that raids or is endgame, yes you have your fair share of teenagers & kids but the demographic is getting older. & so you need to adjust. I would recommend that Heroic's be reset @ 6-7am Server Time. That should resolve this little issue.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well if anyone who's reading this blog has noticed this week's posts have been very light. This was due to me attending Blackberry Enterprise Server Training for Lotus Domino in Edison NJ for the last two days. So before I left the office my team leader had a host of items for me to take care of before I left, and the Server classes was actually a lot more involved than I or my co-worker actually thought it would be. Plus the commute was about 90 minutes 1way. So needless to say I was fried by Thursday night. Then as I was falling asleep Thursday night, my wife asks me to make a hotel reservation because of the incoming winter storm,
I awoke Friday @ 5am to a winter wonderland...If I didn't have to drive down to Edison, I quickly got out the door, and while cleaning my car the owner of a small mom & pop gourmet grocery store advised me not to take 287 south so I trudged for about 2 hours taking route 17 south to route 80 to the NJ turnpike. The only accident I saw was actually when I got to the Raritan Center (some dolt drove to fast around the jug handle & hit a light pole.) Class was still on, my hotel room was ok'd by my boss (I'm known for being cheap on trips.) I go to the hotel room, get settled, get logged in & guess what..
I kept getting disconnected
And disconnected.
And disconnected.
So there I was no where to go...nice chair, no distractions. & I couldn't play WOW
Ah the irony..

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thoughts on some recent changes

So online there have been major\minor changes since I last posted:

Peda: My shamen hit 40 on monday, I let my wife pick out the color of my ellek (purple).
I'll create a seperate post on my thoughts of the new quests.

Milbert: Milbert is the new ah bitch. He spends his days in Stormwind running from the mailbox to the bank

Turndow: I made a realization w my Warrior on Sunday. You cannot go into the past & fix the errors you made. It hust doesn't exist. So I sent all greens to Milbert. All ore & stone to peda, sold his gear, sold his bags, mailed the gold to Peda & deleted Turndow. He was level 22, but I did it without any hesitation.

Neren: Survived Solarian\Died On Legothras the blind (we got him down to 1%),\Vas on Saturday. I'm not going to work on alts for a bit, I've been neglecting Neren too much lately

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My thoughts on WOW Addiction Part II: Stay at home mom's & others...

One of the best WOW Websites on the net is The Guild I've watched the episodes since the first one came out, & even my wife who won't even try WOW laughs hysterically at the antics of the six members of the Guild. Yet the commentary that the actors are making about real life issues mixing with online issues do strike a chord. Esp in the case of Clara, the stay at home mom with three kids who are being neglected while she plays her gnome toon all day.
In my wanderings on Fenris, I've met several stay @ home moms who play wow ALL DAY. And when I say ALL DAY, (in bold & caps to make the point) I mean it. I've broken my wow game day into five phases (see below)
Phase I is the early morning phase. This is the part of the day when I check on Auctions, level my alt's professions, maybe finish 1-2 dailies on my main before I goto work. Phase I is limited to 30-45 minutes since I need to get up early for 3 reasons:
I. I am the dependable early guy at the office, this was thrust upon me years ago when my boss moved to south jersey & couldn't get in early anymore. Prior to that I was a night owl (and if my wife's reading this YES I was!), but having to be up @ 5am to be @ the office for 7am transformed me, (transmuted me if you will) into an early bird.
II. Since I have ADHD, my Ritalin needs time to spin up. This takes about 60 to 90 mins before the effects become apparent. If I don't get up early, interesting things & events have happened.
III. Our Pet chinchillas have been conditioned for their free time to be early am, since I'm up anyway due to items I & II. Since a good exercise time for my little puffs of attitude is 30-45 mins every other day, regardless of schedule I'm up letting them run around the living room.
Phase II. Is normal after work\early evening phase. This is when I do dailies, guild runs, raids, quests Etc.
Phase III. Is weekend phase; this early morning\late afternoon game time is rare now since I'm in full swing with teaching, but I value it above all since I can play unfettered with the need to get chores done, etc. etc. It's my quiet time to sip coffee & listen to the news
There's also the uber-rare Phase IV & V.
Phase IV: Sick Day, I attempt not to play wow but end up because I'm bored.
Phase V: Wife's away the husband will play. & Play & Play & Play. All major progression is done when my wife is away on business trips. Epic Flight Form (check), Tier Gear (check), level 70 (check) This is when I can play from the time I come home till the time I goto bed. It's a rare event & I enjoy it, but I am so glad that my wife returns else I become like the guy from Make Love Not Warcraft! Remember kids: Moderation in all things is key; Even the blues say so!
My point in this is that in all five phases, the stay @ home moms are online, either on a main, on a alt, doing the ah, crafting for a friend, running dailies, doing a dungeon run, doing a pug kara or za. They are always on. If your on vent, you can hear the kids in the background & once in a while they need to take care of one of them. What upsets me is that when you ask them about the kids, they seem to have an indifference to them, that I shouldn't have to change my life because they are around. That's not an exact quote but it's pretty close to what one woman said to me one time over party chat.
So how does this relate to online addiction? Well in my opinion, what these women are doing isn't the signs of an addict, but the signs of someone who's desperately lonely & looking for friendship and socialization.
In this day an age, the amount of women who stay at home with the kids is very small. This means that the systems that used to exist in the past to occupy a women's day while the husband & the rest of the family was gone & she was stuck at home with the babies & toddlers have dwindled down to a few possible choices. So what these women (and men I presume) have done is taken an MMORPG & hijacked it to fulfill their need for social contact.
The problem that I see is that WOW is a very poor substitute for real world social contact. First off the unwritten rules of ettiquite that we use to determine who are in the tribe & who isn't are not easy to apply. Secondly, the real world choice-bias of height, age, sex etc cannot be applied...yet. What this means for not just the stay at home mom's but anyone else who is @ home all the time is that they need to cast a wide net to meet their socialization needs. Which leads them to being online from the time to wake up to the time they goto bed.
The more I think about this the more I think of Harlow's monkey experiment's & the long term effects that it had on the monkeys that were raised by the wire\cloth substitutes. when they were introduced to the normal monkey's they were extremely anti-social & in the case of the females lacked the ability to raise their young. What I've noticed w the stay @ homes is something similar, since they are online all day, real world social skills are either missing, stunted or in the case of people that I've met who began using MMORPG's as a coping mechanism, atrophied. This still isn't addiction, but a survival mechanism, as my Sensei said to me when I went to California to train "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", these men & women have adapted to survive prosper & grow in an online world were the old laws of socialization are gone.
The question I have though is as more and more of the real world enters the virtual world what will happen to these men & women? My gut tells me that it will not be good, though I don't know if it'll be a case of just looking for a new coping mechanism or turn to something more dangerous.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Other Updates

As I just posted I haven't played much WOW since Monday, but some events did happen since then.
As of Monday February 11th I am no longer a member of Sedition on Fenris. All 3 of my characters on the server left the Guild between the 11th & the 12th. My main character, Neren, joined Utopia on Monday Night at 5:46pm after a two week application process (guild runs, discussion with the guild master over a period of several days.) The main reasons for this decision were because Utopia's runs are from 7-10 w a firm end time of 1opm (unless they got the boss to 2% and they want to try one more time!) which fits into my schedule since I am on the east coast and a early bird & the guild progression of Sedition which as a guild was tied more to a casual playstyle which is great but leads to issues when it came to the end game 25 mans raids. Also when Sedition did run raids then tended to start 9-10pm which did not fit my time schedule.

Below is the post I left on Sedition's guild forum on Wednesday. It stemmed from several in game events that happened on Monday.

Hello Everyone,
As you all probably know I left Sedition last night & joined Utopia.
First & foremost this was not due to any personal conflicts with any members of the guild. Sedition has been a great organization & I've met a lot of incredible people through our dungeon runs, quests & raids. I was approached to join Sedition back in July of 2007 when I was still in House of Paratus, and If it wasn't for Sedition I would've just pugged around for god knows how long before going into Kara. I did a lot of things in WOW that I could never have accomplished without all of you. With that said, why did I decided to Leave Sedition? It was a multi-faceted
choice, but in the end it came down to several things.

1.)Scheduling: This was by far the highest on my list. I am an early bird\a creature of the dawn if you will, (Ironic that I play a Night Elf) and Utopia's raids usually start @ 7pm & are over by 10pm.

I was done last night w SSC by 9pm. My wife was absolutely stunned, I mean she was so stunned that I thought she was going to get on vent & thank them for running a raid at a time that didn't cause any conflicts

2.) Progression: Sedition is a great guild but because of scheduling conflicts I felt & had seen that we were not progressing with end game raids. Even if these were resolved. I felt I couldn't commit to any raids unless they were earlier in the Day.

In addition just a few more items

New Members: Don't Worry about Sedition, this guild is a great organization, do not leave because I left. I left for specific reasons due to my own needs as a player. Sedition is a great place w great people!

My Friends: Please do not ask me if I can see about getting you into Utopia. I am an initiate & have no sway. I was invited after several runs w the guild & the application process took about two weeks of back & forth before a formal invitation over the weekend. I still want to be friends w all of you guys & if you need me for 5man\10 man etc & I'm not committed I will be more than happy to join you.

See you all on the Virtual Side

I'll post more as time permits

My thoughts on online game addiction. Part I

My WOW gametime has been practically zero since Monday! A combination of several forces has kept me from logging in other than to check mail\auctions. But it makes me feel good since one thing I've battled with is the concept of online game addiction. Especially since I come from an addict\alcoholic background (both sides of my gene I'm double damned!) However I did come to a realization last Friday night that may shed some light into the WOW Addict Debate.
As I've posted before I work a part-time job & so does my wife. She was working late last Friday (it happens once every six weeks.) This permitted me something which even with our new home network is still very rare. Friday night guild dungeon \ raids!!! But alas my guild was fairly impotent on Friday due to a majority of guildies offline and\or doing PVP for rep. This left me lfg for about two hours & when we finally did get a group running & into the daily heroic (Auch Crypts), she had come home (bearing gifts of love & very tasty ice cream) only to find me going over how to clear the treacherous first room of the dungeon. Needles to say she was not happy.
Once I logged off because we couldn't get the pulls right w the tank we pugged, my wife asked me to quit WOW, she felt I was ignoring her & she didn't like the fact that I was playing 5 nights a week. I then realized that was she was saying was that she didn't like me running heroics \ raiding 5 nights a week. She didn't care if I was doing dailies or leveling an alt, because I wasn't involved with other people. If I needed to stop mid quest no big deal, I stopped was w her & then started the quest later. But when I was in a run\raid I was just a lump of flesh on the couch. Also even though I was actually playing less WOW (due to my part time job eating up my weekends), I was now playing during prime hours which cut down on us spending time together. Which brings me to my main point.
In one of my earlier posts I talked about Digitalization of Obligation, taking real world commitments and applying them to a virtual settings. This also means that there needs to be Digitalization of Moderation, the same level of prioritization & self-control that you apply to how often you play poker w the guys or meet w the girls for coffee needs to go towards social activities online.
Also, if your going to be at the higher level of sociability online (Vent\Voice Chat) then you need to have a space apart from the Real World group to do this. In my case I'm debating if I want to start running my raids in the dining room instead of playing in the living room,since I can chat without bothering her while she watches TV. I've noticed on a majority of the people who complain that their loved ones are wow addicts, that one of the biggest gripes is that they are in the same room as the player but being ignored while the player is talking w friends\guildmates online. So main point respect your offline friends need for quiet & attention!

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Champion of the Naaru Progress Report

Here is the Champion of the Naaru Progress Report for Monday February 11th 2008
Mercy: Complete
Strength: Still need to vanquish Murmur in Heroic Shadow Labs
Tenacity: Completed on Sunday Afternoon. Millhouse Manastorm Saved!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

What's the greyest race?

One of the best things about World of Warcraft, is that it's very grey. No race is good or evil, every race has done unspeakable actions in the past. But the question remains which one is the grayest which has the darkest shade?
After pondering this question I've come up with different ranks
Dark Grey (In descending order)
Night Elves: The night elves have done horrible things in the past, the world of Azeroth is scarred from the War of the Ancients. On the opposing side they've spent the last 10,000 years atoning for this catastrophe. In WOW the night elves are the Germans, still atoning for what happened in WWII. Ironically my main is a night elf & I'm jewish..go figure. In my opinion the Night elves are the darkest of all the races in world of warcraft.
Trolls: The Trolls of Azeroth are almost to par to the Night Elves, They may not have blown up the world but if that one band of trolls hadn't settled by the well of eternity then the night elves wouldn't have sprung up. But what makes them so Dark is the history of wars & ethnic purges between different troll tribes.
Orcs & Humans: The Orc & Human Races are on par with each other for the atrocities committed. Granted the Orcs were under the demonic influence of the Burning Legion, but that cannot be a blank pass for what's been done 'For the Horde'. Draenor was ripped into Outland, The Slaughter of the 1st & 2nd Wars, the Felling of Cenarius in the 3rd War. The Orcs now are where the Night Elves 9,999 years ago, taking their first steps towards atoning for their sins.
The Human Race as a whole reminds me of Dorian Grey, Nice Looking but Blackhearted. If you think humans are the good guys, because well they're human, I'll just make one point: The Defias Brotherhood.
For Most low level alliance players, the Deadmines are a standard part of a leveling breakfast, it's a quick run with good drops. But most players don't delve into why you have to take out Van Cleef? What was his crime? Did he conspire with the Scourge? Did he help the Horde? No, Edward Van Cleef was an architect & engineer who's leadership is the reason Stormwind was quickly rebuilt after the 2nd war.
So, what happened when he and the other craftsmen asked for payment the work they did? The nobles of stormwind refused. They felt that they're thanks were enough. Imagine that "Gee great job on rebuilding this place after it was razed to the ground, you can't even smell of burnt women & kids anymore, Thanks Ed, hey if you need a reference for any work in Ironforge let us know Ok. Great, the guards will show you out..take care & tell the wife I said hi."
So what did he do, he organized, he created a union if you will, of men & women who were also screwed out of payment, and became a major thorn in the side of the humans of Stormwind. Now your involved & instead of just paying him for work completed, Stormwind asks you to bring his head back to Sentry hill.
To Quote the ledger on Van Cleef that you recover during the quest chain "May the light have mercy on our souls." The nobles know they were wrong but they still do not admit it & send you & your party to take care of their 'problem'
There are more examples (Thrall's captivity, The Nations of Arthor Betraying the Human Kingdoms in the 2nd war.) But my point is that the Human race hasn't destroyed the world like the elves did or preformed the ethnic cleansing of the trolls, instead they just screw each other over again & again as they just smile & look pretty on the screen.
Medium Grey
Tauren: The noble Tauren, are the middle ground of grey in WOW. The Tauren are a noble race, that has systematically preformed ethnically cleansing the centaur & the quillboars from the areas that they . I held the Tauren in high esteem until I thought about the Razorfen Down instance & what it's saying. I don't know if it was intentional by the developers but after reading the lore I see an analogy to some Muslims feelings on American Troops being in Saudi Arabia. The quillboar are a noble people, like the tauren, the area they live in is sacred area where their god fell uring the war of the ancients & that no one should live there besides the Quillboar.
The Tauren settle in their sacred land & the Quillboar become sick, they become demented, They're elders tell them what must be done, the Tauren must go, but the Tauren don't go & instead begin to kill the Quillboar, who lived in that region first. (Remember up until Warcraft III the Tauren roamed the Barrens & were almost extinct due to the wars with the Centaur.)
The Lighter Grey: The following races fall into the lighter grey side, I've broken these down until the following
Residual Effects: The Dwarves are an side effect of the War of the Ancients. They were Earthen, created by the Titans as a subterranean race. The War of the Ancients hurt the planet, and caused the Earthen to split into two sub-races, the Scottish Speaking Dwarves & the bestial troggs.
The Dwarven history does not have the same degree of degree of slaughter or deception as the races, but they do have their sins. The War of the three hammers unleashed Ragneros from his prison under RedRidge Mountains.
Survivors: The remain four races the Gnomes, the Draeni, the Blood Elves & the Forsaken are survivors. I know some of my readers may feel the trolls fit into this scheme, but as a species the trolls are still numerous, it's the Darkspear Trolls that were almost wiped out. In World of Warcraft what does it mean to be a survivor? How does it color the world view of the races that must pick up the pieces and move on?
Forsaken: The Forsaken are the most tragic of the races. Yes they looks all evil & nasty (since they're former members of the lich kings army) but they are just men, women & children who's will freed them from mindless undead existence & now must fight enemies on all fronts. As a race they're full of people who's stories are full of sadness and despair, & yet for good or evil they try to move on with their lives.
Gnomes: The gnomish race is on the same path as the forsaken, except small of course (sorry couldn't help it.) What strikes me though is that the relationship of the gnomes & the dwarves reminds me of a dysfunctional family.
The Dwarves delve into the mountains looking for clues to their ancestry. They awaken the troggs (which remind me of danny devito in twins: Arnold got all the good genes, Danny got the crap!) The troggs don't invade Ironforge but instead invade Gnomereagan. Do the dwarves help the gnomes? Nope, they gnomes take care of it themselves. A disgruntled gnome who couldn't ever lead due to party stacking attempts to take care of the troggs himself & we end up with a city that can't be cleared even though it's full of level 30 mobs.
So fast forward, do the dwarves help the gnomes, well if you call a lil slice of irontown help then I suppose so. But really they don't help much. The only other outpost they have is again a couple of buildings in Outland under constant attack by mobs.
The Blood Elves: In my opinion, the blood elves are the most outright grey race in World of Warcraft, I think this was intentionally done by the design team at blizzard. When I say outright, I mean that you cannot try to delude yourself that they're noble or wise, or the good guys, They were slaughtered by the scourge, abandoned by the humans, & are all mana junkies Just waiting for their next hit. They've had to make alliances with races they've warred with & had to flee their homeworld to one that has mana on tap because it's been split in two.
The Draeni: The Draeni as a race in world of warcraft are held up as holy warriors. But one thing I love about the design team is that even the noble are not free from Sin. The Draeni are noble and kind, in a way thats amoral. Firstly, the Draeni are racists, specifically against the broken, those Draeni who lost their connection to the holy light, & degraded to a lesser form. The only reason that shaman are a playable class is that the Velen had the the vision to let go of the normal racism towards the broken & allow the Far Seer Nobundo back into the fold.
Also the Draeni seem to have a capacity for acceptable losses that borders on the military. But I digress
So there you have it my breakdown of the grey races of the world of warcraft.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Champion of the Naaru Status Report

Here the status report on the Champion of the Naaru quest chain For the Evening of Friday February 8th
Trial of the Naaru: Mercy - Done

Trial of the Naaru: Strength - Steamvault done, need to vanquish Murmur =P
Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity - Not Done, see post about ettiquite during dungeon runs on why it's incomplete.
That concludes the champion of the Naaru Progress Report for Friday February 8th 2008

Leadership Lessons

As I posted Monday, I successfully led a pug group through Heroic Crypts on Super Bowl Sunday. Since then I've tried my luck at leading other runs (some guild\some pug) through daily heroics. Of those 3 attempts I've noted some important characteristics for a successful run.
1. Attitude: a good heroic dungeon run requires the right attitude. I've decided that one guildie is off my dungeon run list because his attitude towards a challenge was dismal. There's a reason that a heroic dungeon is called a heroic dungeon, it requires heroism.
2. Communication: Bad Communication leads to wipes. Good communication leads to no wipes.
3. CCC: Cool, Calm, Collected: Bad pulls happen. Mobs are aggro'd, party members run ahead & have forgotten about that Caster above the ramp. It happens don't panic do your role & your group survives. Panic & you die or your party wipes.
4. Do Not Exploit: I cannot stress this enough, there are no shortcuts through heroic instances. If you attempt to use the 'short way' around to save time because a raid is in 45 minutes you will wipe. There is a linear path in every dungeon, Even if it feels like it's a giant circle, the dungeon has a start point a middle point & an end point.
5. Accept the end game progress: This is for all newly minted level 70's, Blues do not a heroic dungeon make. The designers progression to heroics is as follows
-> Get to 70
-> Get Flight,
-> Get into Tempest Keep
-> Get into the Arc
-> Start Kara Quest Chain
-> Get Key to Karazan
-> Raid Karazan, Get badges\Get Intro Epics
-> Start Running Heroic Dungeons to Get Badges for better gear
If you have all blues you will wipe in Heroic Dungeons, unless everyone else has all epic gear.
Also regarding PVP Epics. I am a believer that Epic PVP Gear is for PVP not for Heroic Dungeons \Raids, They're EPIC for PVP combat not dungeon runs.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who Let the Alt Out???

So for anyone who knows me on Fenris, I have my main & then I have my main. I'm not known for having lots of alts of different levels\progression etc. Because I don't have the time & I don't like the concepts of alts in general. I find that most players have their play style & the alt is usually just a variation of that play style. Although I do see players w dual nature (Main is Tank alt is a healer is a good example.) There are those who have alts as a way to boast or brag (I have 3 level 70's two are kara key'd etc.) But for those of us who have lives we can't do the alt thing. As my friend Zorch says I have Zorch & that's it.
This brings me to Peda my elemental shaman. I started him back in may of last year when I was very busy @ the office & couldn't commit to raiding on my main. I leveled him to about 27, then he became my ah lackey. He just sat in the Exodar & anything Neren got went right to him, I viewed it as just being time efficient etc. He was originally enhance spec, but I was told by other shaman's that if enhancement didn't suit me try elemental & if that didn't work well u don't like the class
So from May of last year until Monday Night he sat @ level 27 doing my ah bidding...
And then for some reason that I can't explain on Monday night I decided to take him out of cold storage, & within about 15 minutes he was level 28, & then Tuesday Morning before work I took him out again & now he's almost 29.
I figured out that I like the class I just needed to setup my interface to make separate the abilities better. Playing a balance druid this isn't a problem since my DPS is based of three spells. & if I have to off heal (which comes up from time to time.) I shift out drop a couple hots & then shift back to moonkin form.
But this taught me something, I was attempting to level Turndow again to make up for my mistakes that I made as a Noob. & I realized that I can't undo those mistakes. I made them & that's cool. So I'm deleting Turndow this morning. He was a good toon & I learned a lot but I'm not that person, I can lead & not be the tank.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The slow dissolution of my guild - Part II

I logged into my guild website this evening at 5:30 pm & read a thread that talked about the frustration with our raid progression. I laid out 4 points that I needed to get off my chest. Now we'll see if I'm still in my guild or not when I login later tonight.

A coincidence...I don't think so!

As I've posted previously I work two jobs, full time I'm an IT Geek who works in mobile tech (one of my guildies was happy to find this out since I helped him w his real world quest for a cell phone management solution!) & on the Weekends I drive around Rockland\Westchester county teaching SAT Prep. Not that the SAT season is in full swing. My wow playing time is cut down to about 10-15 hours a week. For the average video game player this might seem like a bit but for anyone who plays wow, this translates to about an hour a day (checking auctions, doing 1/2 daily quests, herbing, farming motes for primals etc.) Some weeknights I might make a guild run, but I usually have to block it way in advance.
So Sunday Night after tutoring in the morning & teaching during the afternoon. I sat down exhausted to watch the giants\patriots game. I punched into WOW figuring well I can at least farm or make a chunk of gold doing a slew of dailies. The Netherwing give you the most gold but I prefer the Ogrila\Cooking quests (They require less mental effort esp cooking since it's either A.) Skettis B.) Ogrila or C.) Eco Dome Mid-Realm D.) Ancestor Grounds in Nagrand.) Instead I ended up leading a pug run through heroic Auchenai Crypts. So as my local team battled the heavily favored Patriots, My pug group consisting a frost mage decked in blues & greens, a shadow priest, a holy priest & a arms\prot warrior plowed through the crypts & didn't reach our first wipe until after the first 4 pulls. This alone is a major accomplishment since many heroic crypt runs end at the first pull, with five players Around the same time the giants won the super bowl we were standing over the corpse of Exarch Maladaar just as the Giants won the game.
Most end game groups will not take on crypts because of the difficulty of the first room & the additional mobs, but we kept our cool, burned the adds down & kept the communication channel open. Being the leader made it difficult to keep the dps going, but I quickly learned to just mark & let my group preform their roles.
It also helped that the person who should've lead kept giving me advice from time to time. He also encouraged me when I wanted to give him leader, and he helped me convince the tank to keep going since he never had tanked in Heroic Crypts before & didn't have a frame of reference to how difficult the crypt run can be without the right group cohesion.
So Giants win, We Cleared Crypts. I got myself a nice Potent Fire Opal to go into my Armwraps of the Kaledori Protector, but lost the need roll for the Sash of Arcane Visions to the Blue\Green frost mage, (but really she need the boost in gear IMHO.) For a long time I fought leadership, until it was thrust onto me, Now I'll accept the responsibility & the perks!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Kara is the new mech 3 badge run

As I posted on Wednesday, I was home sick w the wife. I recommended that you should never play WOW while sick. I think it drains your soul, but it could be the hunching over the computer screen that causes the affliction! Alas though I didn't follow my own advice & logged in around 2pm. Since only a couple of guildies were logged in, I went into the stew pot that is the lfg channel, & started barking about getting a group going for the heroic daily which was Shadow Labs, (I need this one for the champion of the naaru quest line so I figured well at least get this out of the way. As I started building a pug an ex guildie pst'd me about running a kara pug that his guild was doing. The run consisted of 8 guild & two pickup's including myself.
Our kara run cleared through all the bosses except for Netherspite in about 3.5 hours. This landed me a whopping 20 badges + I got the 2nd piece of my tier 4 armor, the Head piece off of the Prince!. I also was able to get the 35 badge moonkin bracer's!
After this monty haul I realized that Karazan is the new Mech 3 Badge run! I repeat Kara = Mech 3 Badge run. With a properly equipped group The full run can be completed in about 3.5 to 4 hours. Although it is set on a timer that you can only run it once a week, this breaks down to about 5.5 badges per hour. Most heroic dungeon runs net you only 6 badges if you factor in the daily bonus. From an efficiency perspective, it is almost mandatory that you block in once a week to make this run. It does require though a running battle mentality to accomplish this (ala Black Morass.) But as long as you can keep moving the reward is worth it!

Etiquette in instances

Last night I was in heroic arc to get the daily heroic completed & check off 1 more item on my trial of the naaru quest. It was a mixed run, part guild\part pug (tank was grabbed from lfg list.) Things were going quite well apart from the occasional silly wipes (maggots w 4k health etc.) After we downed bosses #2 & #3 our hunter had to leave to get work done, so we took a 5 minute to swap him out & get another hunter & to let the healer get food. This 5minute bio break extended into a half hour due to our healer going afk because of burnt pizza. Because of this I couldn't finish the run & now have to rerun it again.
Now I know that afk will happen & there are some things that are beyond anyone's control but I believe there should be a instance afk timer. AKA if your gone for more than 10 minutes without any update on why you were gone, it should be ok to kick you from the run. WOW is a group activity after all & to keep 4 people waiting (& if our healer reads this post not singling you out you were just the example that brought up this post!) it should be ok to grab someone else.