Friday, February 1, 2008

Kara is the new mech 3 badge run

As I posted on Wednesday, I was home sick w the wife. I recommended that you should never play WOW while sick. I think it drains your soul, but it could be the hunching over the computer screen that causes the affliction! Alas though I didn't follow my own advice & logged in around 2pm. Since only a couple of guildies were logged in, I went into the stew pot that is the lfg channel, & started barking about getting a group going for the heroic daily which was Shadow Labs, (I need this one for the champion of the naaru quest line so I figured well at least get this out of the way. As I started building a pug an ex guildie pst'd me about running a kara pug that his guild was doing. The run consisted of 8 guild & two pickup's including myself.
Our kara run cleared through all the bosses except for Netherspite in about 3.5 hours. This landed me a whopping 20 badges + I got the 2nd piece of my tier 4 armor, the Head piece off of the Prince!. I also was able to get the 35 badge moonkin bracer's!
After this monty haul I realized that Karazan is the new Mech 3 Badge run! I repeat Kara = Mech 3 Badge run. With a properly equipped group The full run can be completed in about 3.5 to 4 hours. Although it is set on a timer that you can only run it once a week, this breaks down to about 5.5 badges per hour. Most heroic dungeon runs net you only 6 badges if you factor in the daily bonus. From an efficiency perspective, it is almost mandatory that you block in once a week to make this run. It does require though a running battle mentality to accomplish this (ala Black Morass.) But as long as you can keep moving the reward is worth it!

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