Friday, February 8, 2008

Leadership Lessons

As I posted Monday, I successfully led a pug group through Heroic Crypts on Super Bowl Sunday. Since then I've tried my luck at leading other runs (some guild\some pug) through daily heroics. Of those 3 attempts I've noted some important characteristics for a successful run.
1. Attitude: a good heroic dungeon run requires the right attitude. I've decided that one guildie is off my dungeon run list because his attitude towards a challenge was dismal. There's a reason that a heroic dungeon is called a heroic dungeon, it requires heroism.
2. Communication: Bad Communication leads to wipes. Good communication leads to no wipes.
3. CCC: Cool, Calm, Collected: Bad pulls happen. Mobs are aggro'd, party members run ahead & have forgotten about that Caster above the ramp. It happens don't panic do your role & your group survives. Panic & you die or your party wipes.
4. Do Not Exploit: I cannot stress this enough, there are no shortcuts through heroic instances. If you attempt to use the 'short way' around to save time because a raid is in 45 minutes you will wipe. There is a linear path in every dungeon, Even if it feels like it's a giant circle, the dungeon has a start point a middle point & an end point.
5. Accept the end game progress: This is for all newly minted level 70's, Blues do not a heroic dungeon make. The designers progression to heroics is as follows
-> Get to 70
-> Get Flight,
-> Get into Tempest Keep
-> Get into the Arc
-> Start Kara Quest Chain
-> Get Key to Karazan
-> Raid Karazan, Get badges\Get Intro Epics
-> Start Running Heroic Dungeons to Get Badges for better gear
If you have all blues you will wipe in Heroic Dungeons, unless everyone else has all epic gear.
Also regarding PVP Epics. I am a believer that Epic PVP Gear is for PVP not for Heroic Dungeons \Raids, They're EPIC for PVP combat not dungeon runs.

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