Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sorry for the blog title but I am so pissed right now. I was in a well-gelled Heroic Halls Of Stone Group, & I got DC'd and now cannot get back onto WOW or even the blizzard Website.
I wouldn't even be so angry except that HHOS is in what I call the unholy trinity. These three dungeons (Old Kingdom, Occulus & Halls Of Stone) have been deemed to be to difficult by most players. I use shadow labs as my yard stick. and trust me none of them comes near the wipe fest that shadow labs could be on a good day.
Well at least I got my shoulders (a lil yay)
Until later
The musing moonkin


Anonymous said...

HHOS hard? It's not one of the easy ones (UK, or frequently stated the Nexus although I find the Nexus very variable depending on group composition) but it's certainly not as hard as HHOL or HUP.

Neren said...

I have been to groups that have given up on the tribunal of ages. As for me the only dungeons that I still view as difficult are HOK and HOCC.