Friday, January 9, 2009

Turndow & The Vestiges of Early WOW: Part 1

I decided (again) to rebuild my first toon Turndow. For those of you who don't know He was a warrior on the Gnomeregan server. I got to level 40 & gave up on him. This was because I didn't have any help from anyone and I got frustrated. Luckily while I was trying to kill Bloodsail Raiders I saw a Moonkin Druid and found my true calling. Still though Turndow has always held a spot in my heart since I tried so hard with him.
Due to a shortage of tanks in my current guild, I decided to reroll him (again) on Fenris. Unlike other alts I have invested time into, I have considered using 40 EOH badges to get the heirloom shoulders. I've only stopped myself for these reasons:
I. The rumors of a badge trade-in system: (X EOH = 1 EOV) my guildmates & I pray for this as we still run heroics for rep\epics & pavlovian conditioning, and are reaching the point where there's nothing we really want. I'm mulling the 100badge mammoth, but until the fix the archs in the major cities to accommodate mounts of exceptional size...Um I'll stick with my older svelter mounts.
II. Dual-Spec: With Dual-Spec on the horizon, I will be feral tanking (thanks to my learning the spec with Greathoof.) In my bank tabs I have level 80 blues and epic feral tanking gear including the Staff of Trickery that are waiting for this change. I expect also that I may need to blow some EOH badges for tanking.
III. Time Constraints: I will be frank, although I preach to players to 'Make Peace' with time constraints, & accept that you cannot have more than one well geared toon, I am human, and I want to have my cake & eat it too. So while I enjoy rebuilding Turndow, Neren's needs still call to me. So I am mindful that if I level Turndow, then I can't invest time into my other goals.
IV. Bad Memories. I mean really bad memories of playing a warrior and getting my A$$ handed to me again & again & again. I know that which does not kill me makes me stronger, but at the same time It can also leave you horribly traumatized.
Still though with the changes to WOW since I last picked up the sword & board, I've found leveling him to be quite fun. The question though will be will I pursue it or will I let him slip into toon storage?

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