Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well if anyone who's reading this blog has noticed this week's posts have been very light. This was due to me attending Blackberry Enterprise Server Training for Lotus Domino in Edison NJ for the last two days. So before I left the office my team leader had a host of items for me to take care of before I left, and the Server classes was actually a lot more involved than I or my co-worker actually thought it would be. Plus the commute was about 90 minutes 1way. So needless to say I was fried by Thursday night. Then as I was falling asleep Thursday night, my wife asks me to make a hotel reservation because of the incoming winter storm,
I awoke Friday @ 5am to a winter wonderland...If I didn't have to drive down to Edison, I quickly got out the door, and while cleaning my car the owner of a small mom & pop gourmet grocery store advised me not to take 287 south so I trudged for about 2 hours taking route 17 south to route 80 to the NJ turnpike. The only accident I saw was actually when I got to the Raritan Center (some dolt drove to fast around the jug handle & hit a light pole.) Class was still on, my hotel room was ok'd by my boss (I'm known for being cheap on trips.) I go to the hotel room, get settled, get logged in & guess what..
I kept getting disconnected
And disconnected.
And disconnected.
So there I was no where to go...nice chair, no distractions. & I couldn't play WOW
Ah the irony..

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