As I just posted I haven't played much WOW since Monday, but some events did happen since then.
As of Monday February 11th I am no longer a member of Sedition on Fenris. All 3 of my characters on the server left the Guild between the 11th & the 12th. My main character, Neren, joined Utopia on Monday Night at 5:46pm after a two week application process (guild runs, discussion with the guild master over a period of several days.) The main reasons for this decision were because Utopia's runs are from 7-10 w a firm end time of 1opm (unless they got the boss to 2% and they want to try one more time!) which fits into my schedule since I am on the east coast and a early bird & the guild progression of Sedition which as a guild was tied more to a casual playstyle which is great but leads to issues when it came to the end game 25 mans raids. Also when Sedition did run raids then tended to start 9-10pm which did not fit my time schedule.
Below is the post I left on Sedition's guild forum on Wednesday. It stemmed from several in game events that happened on Monday.
Hello Everyone,
As you all probably know I left Sedition last night & joined Utopia.
First & foremost this was not due to any personal conflicts with any members of the guild. Sedition has been a great organization & I've met a lot of incredible people through our dungeon runs, quests & raids. I was approached to join Sedition back in July of 2007 when I was still in House of Paratus, and If it wasn't for Sedition I would've just pugged around for god knows how long before going into Kara. I did a lot of things in WOW that I could never have accomplished without all of you. With that said, why did I decided to Leave Sedition? It was a multi-faceted
choice, but in the end it came down to several things.
1.)Scheduling: This was by far the highest on my list. I am an early bird\a creature of the dawn if you will, (Ironic that I play a Night Elf) and Utopia's raids usually start @ 7pm & are over by 10pm.
I was done last night w SSC by 9pm. My wife was absolutely stunned, I mean she was so stunned that I thought she was going to get on vent & thank them for running a raid at a time that didn't cause any conflicts
2.) Progression: Sedition is a great guild but because of scheduling conflicts I felt & had seen that we were not progressing with end game raids. Even if these were resolved. I felt I couldn't commit to any raids unless they were earlier in the Day.
In addition just a few more items
New Members: Don't Worry about Sedition, this guild is a great organization, do not leave because I left. I left for specific reasons due to my own needs as a player. Sedition is a great place w great people!
My Friends: Please do not ask me if I can see about getting you into Utopia. I am an initiate & have no sway. I was invited after several runs w the guild & the application process took about two weeks of back & forth before a formal invitation over the weekend. I still want to be friends w all of you guys & if you need me for 5man\10 man etc & I'm not committed I will be more than happy to join you.
See you all on the Virtual Side
I'll post more as time permits
As of Monday February 11th I am no longer a member of Sedition on Fenris. All 3 of my characters on the server left the Guild between the 11th & the 12th. My main character, Neren, joined Utopia on Monday Night at 5:46pm after a two week application process (guild runs, discussion with the guild master over a period of several days.) The main reasons for this decision were because Utopia's runs are from 7-10 w a firm end time of 1opm (unless they got the boss to 2% and they want to try one more time!) which fits into my schedule since I am on the east coast and a early bird & the guild progression of Sedition which as a guild was tied more to a casual playstyle which is great but leads to issues when it came to the end game 25 mans raids. Also when Sedition did run raids then tended to start 9-10pm which did not fit my time schedule.
Below is the post I left on Sedition's guild forum on Wednesday. It stemmed from several in game events that happened on Monday.
Hello Everyone,
As you all probably know I left Sedition last night & joined Utopia.
First & foremost this was not due to any personal conflicts with any members of the guild. Sedition has been a great organization & I've met a lot of incredible people through our dungeon runs, quests & raids. I was approached to join Sedition back in July of 2007 when I was still in House of Paratus, and If it wasn't for Sedition I would've just pugged around for god knows how long before going into Kara. I did a lot of things in WOW that I could never have accomplished without all of you. With that said, why did I decided to Leave Sedition? It was a multi-faceted
choice, but in the end it came down to several things.
1.)Scheduling: This was by far the highest on my list. I am an early bird\a creature of the dawn if you will, (Ironic that I play a Night Elf) and Utopia's raids usually start @ 7pm & are over by 10pm.
I was done last night w SSC by 9pm. My wife was absolutely stunned, I mean she was so stunned that I thought she was going to get on vent & thank them for running a raid at a time that didn't cause any conflicts
2.) Progression: Sedition is a great guild but because of scheduling conflicts I felt & had seen that we were not progressing with end game raids. Even if these were resolved. I felt I couldn't commit to any raids unless they were earlier in the Day.
In addition just a few more items
See you all on the Virtual Side
I'll post more as time permits
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