Friday, June 6, 2008

Taking a break from your worries...

As of right now. Neren is sitting in hibernation. Sleeping in the emerald dream, while my shammy sit's in IF gaining rest state. I haven't logged onto Neren since Monday & I don't think I'll touch him for a while. I need a vacation from WOW, or more specifically the end game obligations that I had.
But then again that all went up in smoke over memorial day weekend when my guild disbanded.
(Anyone who wants to read greymantle's dry statement can go on the Fenris Forum)
I wish I could lie but this left me devastated, and depressed. I was left in a very tough place because there was no where for me to to speak. We were at #3/#4 in guild progression on the server. The top raiding guild was horde. The Top Alliance Guild has a no moonkin need apply policy. The other alliance guild @ our progression was selecting which ex-guildies they wanted. I joined up w my friend Brian's guild, but they were so low on the progression that I wasn't an asset but a liabilty, since my dps over shot the tank's threat, even when I used a SF only rotation.
Yet in darkness there's is light. And from my experience in both the real & the virtual worlds, it's always in the oddest places. The Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. I had decided that I wanted to roll a horde toon for shit's and giggles. So I rolled a orc hunter, (with a sweet handle) transferred myself about 425 gold through the ah & a friend helping me, and went over to the other side. I didn't like the hunter (I will admit hunters are so boring.) But it sparked an idea, the kind that bugged me until I had to do it.
I rolled a tauren druid.
And the Universe smiled on me, and Lo I got a good handle. I struck platnium with my toon's name. I mean a really good toonname. One that has sparked envy in other players. One that actually urges me on to level the character. It's one thing to be Neren, Champion of the Naaru. It'll be another to be Greathoof, champion of the Naaru
I told you it was good.
But the best thing about leveling this toon, is there is no stress on me from guild obligations, It's just fun & fairly new. I had tried leveling a horde toon before, but I never got past level 12 since I didn't have the alt gold. to make the process easy.
Now it's easy and relaxing.
On the flip side. I sometimes feel like I'm a crippled toon. since I've been up to Sunwell trash, having the lowbie abilities is rather odd. Also no one knows me. so I can say what my toon is etc. But it could be just BS. And lord knows WOW has a lot of that. And lastly, there are still new players in WOW, so you can mark like you would in a heroic & you may have never seen those marks before.
Still though It is a breath of fresh air. But I know I can't hide from neren forever
Maybe another week.
A nice two week vacation

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