Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As I've posted before my summer project is to level a tauren druid. But I know in my heart that my main toon is calling to me every day a little bit more & more. So it's a lil struggle, keeping my sights on my goal & resisting the urge to login as Neren.
On the flipside. WOTLK is coming out shortly, & I'm lusting for the changes to the moonkin spec. Yet I also am resenting it. What made me level moonkin was two things
1.) Seeing a moonkin druid for the first time
2.) Not doing any theorycraft research & realizing I could've leveled as feral & switched.
Now with the talent changes in WOTLK Balance will be a viable spec to level which makes me actually annoyed. Ok I'll confess resent the changes. Which now makes me face something I don't like elitism in Wow (or in the real world.) because now I can see the argument.

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