Friday, January 23, 2009

Critical Mass: It has happend before & will happen again..and again..and again

I haven't been playing WOW a lot lately. It's a couple of real life factors. My wife went away for business at an odd time (mid week) so this threw off the weekly schedule. Career-Wise both Full and Part time jobs are very busy. This has eliminated the blocks of time that I could dedicate to my guilds attempts at cohesive raiding.
In addition to the real life complications & obligations. There is also the Spectre of Patch 3.08. Now I want to be clear a lot of the tweaks in 3.08 I love. But like I said in a previous post a rule of client-server design is that if it's not broken don't mess with it. However sometimes you have no choice and when your hand is forced an you do make 'changes' to a client-server archetecture you'll see what players are experiencing with 3.08. perhaps one major glitch (lag\server disconnects in dungeons) & then lots of little 'hiccups'
The funniest for me was on my new Alt. Who's being nurtured and encouraged by my guild (what your leveling a prot warrior hell yeah I'll help!) I was in redridge a couple of nights ago (wed I think) and above the rethban mines is a path thats blocked by several large boulders. Now back when I was n00b and turndow was on rev 1. I tried to get past those boulders. I couldn't get past them. Well guess what wed night I did.
And I ran up that hill...And saw an unfinished area between the Redridge Mountains & the Burning Stepps. In my awe I ran down to that unfinished area..And hit an invisible wall.
Ok this is important. Were not talking about Northrend or Outland were we've all hit invisible walls. Were talking of the first original zones. there shouldn't be invisible walls here.
Then it hit me. 3.08 was much more than it seemed. It was a core change hidden underneath little fixes and improvements. If they changed this, then what other changes in the very physics of the game world had also been changed. But it also hit me then that this has happend before with WOW but like so many before we've forgotten them. Ask old timers (04/early 05) about how stable wow was back then. It was very stable, compared to other games. But it had its issues as well.
So 3.08 is out. and for better or for worse the world is changed
Until another day
The musing moonkin


Anonymous said...

Those invisible walls have been in Azeroth for a long time, after too many people explored those unfinished areas back when wallwalking/jumping was still doable and Blizzard decided to stop that.

Neren said...

Really? When I mentioned this to old schoolers they thought that the air-walls were only in the expansion zones

Brent said...

I have screenshots circa mid 2005 of the "jagged" areas between Redridge and Badlands. Its literally an area where the devs said "Nobody will see this, so... flat, but random jagged areas are fine". They put the glass walls in there late 2005.

What will really bake your noodle is "How do I get to Developer Isle?" which is the island you can see from the beach at the very south of Tanaris. (If you find out let me know!)

Neren said...

I know that Dev Island is unreachable now. There was a hack in the early days where it was possible to get there via the zepplin