Monday, January 28, 2008

About Me

Why is this blog called Moonkin Musings? when there hasn't been a single post about balance druids? Why is there no discussion about leather vs. cloth about talent builds etc. etc.
Here is my background. I'm a 33 year old married man who works in IT, my wife works in publishing in the Metro NY area, we live in Northern New Jersey & have very busy work schedules. Usually I'm working about 60-70 hours a week between my full time job & my part time job teaching SAT Prep in the Rockland\Westchester County regions of New York State.

I started playing WOW back in the summer of 2006. I'm not an old school player, I avoided WOW like the plague because I saw what it had done to my old roommate back in 2003 & 2004 (he beta tested & got it the collectors edition on the release day!) I knew the stories of World of Warcrack, & through the course of my job had met about 10 it geeks who verified that it was more addictive than heroin & crystal meth combined. I also watched my Best Friend get sucked into being a Dwarf Pally on the Blackrock server, and our bi-weekly phone calls promises to get together went to once every two weeks to once a month, to once every six weeks to eventually only hearing from him once in a couple months. Hard Core Raiding takes priority after all.

So then you might ask why did I start playing, very simply I was bored & I got one of the free 10 day crack pipes that blizz gives out (Yes blizz it is like a dealer giving out the first one for free!)
I started on Gnomeregan when it was still new, leveled a Arms Warrior till about level 40, made a couple of alts and got bored. After all WOW can be a very lonely game if no one tells you how to level a warrior etc. etc.

Cut to November 2006: My Warrior is level 41 w no mount, I have a couple alts, & my day consists of running back & forth to the graveyard in SV because I didn't know how to pull w a gun! As I'm attempting to complete the kill X # of bloodsail buccaneers quest. I see a moonkin druid. At that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to play in WOW. I wanted to be a big furry\feathery Hooter who danced like Chris Farley.

I decided immediately to make a new toon on a new server. I chose Fenris (well it was listed as recommended for me!) & I started my toon Neren. I loved playing a druid. Again though I had no help from anyone, so I wasn't told to level Feral & then switch to balance later on. This meant that I died (a lot), but this also developed a reputation for me on my server since any druids who knew me, respected that I leveled with balance (and for any players out there it is possible esp now with the respecs.) I also took up herb\alch because I thought it fit the character mindset of a druid. Although it does bring its own issues which I post about later.

Character Notes:

February 2007: Neren is level 30 since I only play 1-2 hours a day, due to work week, being sick w the flu I'm able to make a Gnomeregan run midday, My play style catches the eye of a low level member of a raiding guild. I'm invited that afternoon & begin to level at an accelerated rate.
- March 2007: Neren hit's level 40 Hoot Hoot
- April 2007: Neren hit's level 58, moves over to Outland, Hits 60 Easter Morning.
- May 2008: Raiding Guild starts falling apart as Summer Begins. I'm start leveling a enhancement shammy because my project at work just makes me want to beat up stuff! Don't play w Main character for about 3 weeks
- June 2008: Neren hit's 70 I learn that being 70 just means you can now focus on end game. & that my gear is now useless.
- July 2008: By this point my guild on gnomer has become a husk of what it once was, the alpha players have either moved to other guilds, other servers or left wow. Sunday morning 7/8 my usual lonely farming for herbs in BEM is enlivened by a old guildie who then invites me to join my current guild. I raid Kara that night & get the Adornment of Stolen Souls
- November 2008: Epic flight form attained after banging my head on heroic Setthek Halls for about 3 hours
- December 2008: First Piece of Tier Gear received
- January 2008: Guild starts to dissolve: Leaving me to where I am now

The one thing that my time in wow has given me, is time to think about a lot of things, WOW can be a very boring game after all (really think about how happy people were with the Simon game in Ogrila.) So I noticed certain patterns & behaviors which lead to my musings about People & how they interact & react to events.

Hence Moonkin Musings

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