Saturday, January 19, 2008

My thoughts on Blizzard's Ghost Wolf Reversal

As we all know Blizzard has raised some heat lately with the change on hunters taming Ghost Wolves. After reading a good deal of posts & complaints I've decided to weigh in on this debate. The reason why people are so upset about this change is because of the time & effort that they put in to get the ghost wolf as a pet. The ghost wolf was never intended to be tamable by blizzard, it goes against some core ideas of wow (Has anyone ever seen a undead hunter?!?) & I'm sure there was some back end code that would be left open for further exploit. But players put in time and effort to get it so Blizzard allowed it until it raised an issue (what this issue is we may never know.)
With that said as I read all the posts I thought about another exploit that had been plugged blizzard. Up until 2.3 most players who ran heroic Mechanar only ran it to get 3 badges (unless your tank needed the Sun-Eater!) This was a game exploit that was removed in 2.3 because it allowed people to get heroic badges very quickly. When blizzard announced 2.3 & players saw that the 3 Badge run was going away, No one complained on my server. What I read on chat channels & heard on guild chat & vent was to get as many runs in as you could because Blizzard is removing the 3badge run. Comparing this to how upset people have been about the Ghost Wolf change, made me come up with a formula to determine player aggravation with blizzard changes
The amount of player aggravation & griping is proportional to the amount of effort that the player had to put in to acquire the gear & rep.
This formula is also good for explaining why some old wow players became disillusioned when the BC came out. They had put in a great deal of effort to acquire their gear through raiding & grinding, only to have Blizzard wash it away with 61 greens.
Now we just need to see if this formula will stand up when WOTLK comes out.

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